

Accept the other

What is hard for us to accept in others and in ourselves?

It is up to each of you to give some thought to what is happening. Why do certain people bother you? Why do you want to get rid of others? I have been with you for thirty years, but I have never cast anyone off. And yet, certain weaknesses bothered me terribly.

You cannot stand still: you must truly follow through with those talents and qualities that are part of you. So you should realize that there is some way to go before arriving at, say, perfection
 I wouldn’t say saintliness yet, but it will come! And we must attain this level by daring to look at ourselves, by assessing our lives in the evening before going to sleep. Dare to look at how we behave, at what are still our weaknesses, where we have to work harder at accepting others. 

We have no need to go to the nations to see that inside this France where we are, there are still tensions and splits in groups, in triads and especially in Centres. I am quite sure that some people want to exclude others who disturb them by daring to say the truth, which can sometimes hurt. We must know how to accept, we must accept that our pride, which is at the root of all of these misunderstandings, must be crushed. What you don’t know is that God, He sees and hears everything, even your innermost thoughts. You think that nobody will hear you, but alas, He who gives life is the first to hear. Do you think that He doesn’t hear the thoughts that come from you?             

It is up to each of you to give some thought to what is happening.  Why do certain people bother you?  Why do you want to get rid of others?  I have been with you for thirty years, but I have never cast anyone off. And yet, certain weaknesses bothered me terribly, for example in your behaviour. But I knew that, with time, you would each become what you are today.     

That is why we must be patient and tolerant of all these little interferences created by misunderstandings, judgments, criticisms. They cause harm to all concerned and especially to the fortress of Invitation to Life. When the foundations are cracked, nothing works anymore. Things break up.


🎧 Tolerance


🎧 Welcoming others as sent by God