Perseverance, patience
French l Spanish
Do you believe that you have found in yourself the patience that God expects of you? What do you think this patience consists of ?
Perseverance is to go to beyond hope, which means to go beyond the limits of the time in which we had granted ourselves patience. Therefore, to surpass it is to go beyond patience, beyond all we could imagine. The phenomenon of work is very implicit in this domain, because we have a limit of time of unemployment for instance, and then, all of a sudden, we tell ourselves: in three months I have to find... After three months we still haven't found anything. Let's not give up because, if God has not intervened before, it is because you had something else to experience in a time in which you had to surpass your own limits. We always believe that we have reached the limit...
We have never reached our limit, each and every one of us. There is no limitation in the divine, we are the ones who create rules and limits in time and space. And I believe that to find our own space, we must go beyond that patience that we think we have and that we, in fact, place limits on.
We expect God to respond immediately. He cannot respond immediately to our expectations because we do not know our destiny. Yet He knows it... You do not know what is good for you. Yet He knows it... And He cannot lead you on the wrong path. You believe, yet He knows.
This is of utmost importance since God cannot give you approximate things; He wants to give perfection in all domains. It is therefore obvious that in the areas of the heart, work, sale of a house or an apartment... we think we can direct our life with our intelligence... Error! We cannot control anything.
If we are children of God, it means that we have a loving authority above us and that this authority protects us. He knows well that we continually make mistakes! God would like to avoid those errors for us, since we are on a path toward His light, you understand? This perseverance is truly the basis of all happiness on earth. If we lack perseverance, we will never know happiness, because happiness is not only meeting someone or finding a job, it is a whole, it is truly to have a permanently rejoicing heart: this is what happiness is. It is not simply two people, or a job... No. It really is a combination of things.
We must make people happy to be happy ourselves. This is a fact that we must never forget. And I think it is of utmost importance.