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When am I being and when am I appearing to be?
If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you would tell the mountains to move and they would move? But have you ever had this faith, even for a second? Why do you doubt? Why are you afraid of losing something that seems to belong to you? Why are you afraid of losing your place? Why are you afraid of other people? That they may judge you? That they may size you up? You are superior to them all... Do not be afraid anymore.
We are, of course, earthlings; we are human. But God has carefully been preparing his work for a long time now. He knows exactly how much time you have left to complete what you are, to find your true identity, and to no longer simply appear to be.
Appearing to be is an illusion. So as I said a while ago, stop this inner struggle. Appearing to be is trying to attain recognition through social standing in this world, a world where money creates appearances. But all of that is obsolete before God. You will never want for anything and you will see how life will be afterwards...
But for now, God asks you to make an effort to accelerate your inner process of faith. If only Christians had faith - I'm talking just about Christians, out of all the religions of the world â the world`s wars and revolutions would have ended long ago. Yet, since there is war, it means that no one has followed what Christ asked us to do. We read the Bible, and we claim to go to mass, the synagogue or elsewhere, but we have never understood the extraordinary adventure of Christ: to become human through humility in order to enter the human condition, and to help us vanquish our illusions and bring us to the facts. We are something other than what we appear to be.
You must therefore have a different understanding of yourself. First of all, you must have dignity, self-respect, and also know that you are beautiful! Yes, what I say is the truth because you do not see beauty; you are still caught up in appearances. You must therefore remove all of that in order to access the power of love within you, which is your life, and whose greatness you do not even imagine.
Why do you think that Christ says, "If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you would tell the mountains to move and they would move"? But have you ever had this faith, even for a second? Why do you doubt? Why are you afraid of losing something that seems to belong to you? Why are you afraid of losing your place? Why are you afraid of other people? That they may judge you? That they may size you up? You are superior to them all... Do not be afraid anymore. Why are you afraid of speaking? Are you afraid of being discovered? But you were discovered long ago. So, speak up. Use the language of Christ and of all His brothers. You are His brothers. But never forget: when you doubt, you make millions of others doubt. When you are afraid, you drag millions with you into fear. Because you cannot be called by God and still be part of this world. It is no longer possible!
Christ tells us something that we must never forget in this world, He says: "I am the vine and you are the branches." Did He lie? If He is the vine and you are the branches, what sap nourishes the vine? And what sap nourishes the branches? Is it not the same sap? So is the blood flowing in your veins not the blood of Christ? We no longer have the right to doubt. The branches live through the sap of the vine and He said, "If the branches do not bring fruit, then cut them, and throw them into the fire!" So if He is the Body, you are its members. You are an integral part of Himself, therefore of His kingdom, and if He entrusts you with part of His kingdom, that means that He entrusts it to you in the noblest and greatest aspect of all: the responsibility of beings, therefore of souls.
To bring along your faith, it is true that you must give of yourselves. You are right to say it. When you go to a country where you see misery and suffering, where you understand what is hidden in people, what they dare not say, what they cannot say, it is up to you, as Heads of the Houses, to cajole them so that they can express themselves, so that they can finally feel alive as men. This is what it means to be an apostle: it is knowing how to love. And you are able to love, I have seen you at work, all of you. But you give only one speck of yourself, since you do not dare do more. And yet you can. You have all the capabilities.
Dare to cross the threshold of your prison. Dare come out of yourself. Do not fear appearances anymore; know how to be. Anyway, nothing can be done if there is no love.