
State of mind

Who are we?

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What barriers do you put up against the accomplishment of your mission?

If we look deeply, we hear His voice. And we know that He is there, that He watches over each of us, so that we can fulfill the mission that we have promised to do.

Suffering, war and misery... We have seen it all on our planet Earth. And yet, we often forget the essential:

Who are we?
Where are we going?
Where do we come from?

Of course, each and every one of you knows your human genealogy. You know your father, mother, grandfather, and grandmother and sometimes even your great-grandfather or great-grandmother, but it stops there.

But we come from somewhere else. Our earthly roots are certainly from this earth. But our divine roots come through life. It is through the offering of Christ on the cross that we are alive today. It is because He loved us, because He loved humanity that He accepted His mission, so that every man on earth would have the chance to experience this paradise that we talk so much about. He gave us all the ingredients. He gave us the chance to find happiness and to live in happiness. And what about happiness today? We see only sadness, unemployment, poverty, misery and diseases of all kinds.

So where is the message of Christ? Who can still hear it today? And yet He is present because He is alive. When we say: "My God, my God, how I love you..." Christ warns us. He tells us: "If you do not love the least of my brothers and sisters, that means that you do not love me." Yes, because He is present in all of us. The invisible part is hidden deep within ourselves. It is also called the soul. For others, it is called the mind, and for others still, subconscious or super-consciousness. The name is different, of course, but the origin is the same: it is the spark of God in every man.

If you are here today, it is because we have forgotten, in this world, the mysteries of life. Because the mysteries of life are certainly there. And when Christ came to earth, He taught them to us again. He spoke to people. Yes, He spoke in parables but everyone understood these parables. He spoke in clear, simple terms, because He wanted to be understood, because He loved.

So if we are gathered here today it is to receive to the legacy He left us. He wants to tell us, at the end of the twentieth century, that we must not despair. And that if we look around us, yes indeed, there is much suffering in the world. But if we look deeply, we hear His voice. And we know that He is there, that He watches over each of us, so that we can fulfill the mission that we have promised to do.

Yes, a soul does not come from the earth; it comes directly from God. And when the soul is moving toward earth, choosing to incorporate itself into the body of man or woman, it is to accomplish a mission that God has entrusted to it. And we all have different missions.

But before coming to earth, God speaks to us with all His angels. He tells us what we may have to endure through our choice. He tells us about what we may be up against, about the struggle we may have to go through. But as we are bathed in love and as we are Love at this time close to God, everything seems easy, and so we promise. Yes, Lord, I promise to serve you. Yes, I will not fall into the traps of the Devil. No, I will never touch magic. No, I will not steal. No, I will be honest. Pride: I will keep myself from it. I promise you, Lord, I'll do anything you ask me.

Yes, but we arrive on earth and the battle begins there, in a family environment where we chose to live, for after all, it is you who chose your father and mother. We choose to be born in one country rather than another. Because what you don't know is that when you are close to God, you do not see color, neither white nor black, nor yellow. Love is a light. Your soul is light. All are similar to each other, and yet, so different.

So when you arrive on earth, the fight begins. For a start, you must struggle to survive, through illnesses, and through all the suffering which humanity carries. And soon we forget all our promises and we enter into the society's game, where pride teases us to have a certain appearance, to show our exterior values to others. But we forget the inner value and, over the years, we become an empty shell. We worked so hard for appearances that nothing is left but a shadow of ourselves.

So that is why this seminar has come to remind us what we one day promised to God: to follow His precepts. God has never abandoned humanity.


🎧 Life or survival?