Think and you create
8 - The invisible world
Well, in the world of energy, we will see that what we have learned is really only about appearances. And behind all this lies the mystery of God. For all the worlds, the energies, the planets, the billions of stars, all this unknown universe, that we can see, that we can glimpse, that we try to decipher, is really what is being propelled into you every fraction of a second. The whole universe is contained within you. And so this is communication with the invisible. Because we have never learned to decipher the invisible. We were told that the invisible was an absolute void. For centuries we have believed that the invisible was just an absolute void. And so as a void, there was nothing else, which also means that there was only air. We analysed the air... the oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, all the components of the universe that we had tried to decipher. In fact, this is a glimpse, a very small glimpse of the invisible world.
The invisible world contains many other things, many other elements. And there is no vacuum. And that means that if our human eyes have closed to the invisible world, it is to better protect us, because we have been taught that there is only one world: the Earth. Everything we saw, everything we touched, everything we palpated was concrete. We touch it, therefore it exists. And I say to you: "that's not true"; everything you touch exists only because you want it to. All humanity functions like that. But I have been telling you since the beginning, and it`s been over 20 years now: "The world is an illusion", because everything is a system of mirrors. There are other worlds similar to the Earth, the proof being that we return to them from time to time.
And what is also very important for you to know, is the capacity to leave your physical body to satisfy the requests of the invisible world. Because I think you do more than just sleep; that's why you often say: "I have realised things". Yet, you can only realise things when you have seen and heard something different.
So this ability to leave your body occurs in a fraction of a second. And until you know the invisible world, you can't imagine that you, human beings, that is, fathers, mothers, doctors, therapists, or the slightest of moms or dads, are able to do work in space and elsewhere.