Représentants de région
A Region Representative is the link between the nations of his/her region and the IVI International and IVI Council.
A Region Representative is the link between the nations of his/her region and the IVI International and IVI Council. It is mostly a communication role :
(a) communicate with all of the councils in the region or with members without a council and
(b) inform the IVI International Council of the needs and wishes of the nations in the region , and inform the nations of the ideas, projects and decisions of the IVI council. The three administrators of IVI International appointed on the IVI Council have the responsibility to pass the information of the Regional Rep to the IVI Council.
A Region Representative must be available to travel within the region and participate at IVI and IVI International AGM. He/she will work closely with the House Responsible of his/her Region, exchanging information with them and helping them in their mission.
A Region Representative is involved, active and sufficiently knowledgeable to represent the interests of his/her region within the Committee of Nations and IVI International. He/she participates each week to the Committee des Nations rosary followed by a conversation on each region.
A Region Representative watches over all of the countries in the region and on the work to be done between Triads, House teams and Councils.
A Region Representative does everything possible for Yvonne’s teaching and love to spread in the region
Election of the RRs
In June 2022 a new council was elected. At the same time, the representatives of the regions and the IVI International Board were also elected. The elections were held in Cros at the AGM of IVI France and IVI International. The election process for IVI International Board was held in three stages:
1- The election of Regional Representatives :
This took place in May 2022 in the Regions. These appointments were confirmed in June 2022 at the AGMs of IVI France and IVI International in Cros.
We remind you of the guidelines, resulting from the new IVI International Statutes, for the election of Regional Representatives and the IVI International Council.
A. Eligibility:
Each National Council in a region will call for nominations, based on the following eligibility rules:
a. The candidate may be an elected member of the council of his or her country and a resident of the country.
b. The candidate may be a former member of the national office co-opted by the National Council of his/her country.
B. Electoral process:
a. Each president of his or her country will call for nominations, according to the election guidelines indicated above.
b. Each candidate will appear before his or her National Council to express his or her motivation or will send a letter of motivation if distances prevent an appointment.
c. If there are several candidates, the country's council will hold an election with the members of its council to choose one of them.
d. Once elected, the country's president will communicate the name of the elected person to the other presidents of the countries in his region and to the representative of the current region.
e. Once the regional representative has received the names of the elected persons (deadline: May 30), an election will be held before June 15 to select the next regional representative. Each National Council shall be entitled to one vote. f. The candidate with the most votes will be the elected representative for the region.
i. If two candidates receive the same number of votes, the presidents of that region will organise a Skype to decide between them who will represent that region.
ii. If there is only one candidate running in the region, he or she must be elected by a majority of votes.
g. The current regional representative can of course apply.
h. After the election, the President of IVI and the President of IVI International will be informed either by the elected representative or by one of the presidents of the region.
i. At the Invitation to Live Internationale AGM in June 2019, the nominations of regional representatives to the Board were endorsed by the General Assembly (Article 21 and Article 11 of the Statutes) for a 3-year term. The three members of IVI Internationale endorsed by the Board were: Eric d’Indy (President), Pascal Vinet (Vice President) and Dounia Mouawad (Treasurer).
2- Election of the Executive of IVI International (The Bureau):
The members of the executive of Invitation to Life Internationale Board (the Bureau) are elected for a three-year term at the IVI International AGM. Each Full Member Country of IVI International may nominate one or two eligible candidates to the IVI International Board of Directors. These candidates must reside in the country, the full member who proposed them (Article 5bis of the Statutes). The Board of Directors, once formed, appoints from among its members the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer, the Secretary General) who forms the Bureau (Article 20 of the Statutes).
3- Election of the Representatives of Nations to the IVI Council:
The Committee of Nations composed of representatives of the regions and the 4 people from the IVI International executive chooses their 3 representatives to the IVI Council.
Les dernières actualités d’IVI International
mars 2018
- 12 mars 2018 Réflexion de Pâques - message d'Eric 12 mars 2018
juillet 2015
- 6 juil. 2015 Message d'Ari suite à l'AG d'IVI Internationalà Sumène le 21 juin 2015 6 juil. 2015
janvier 2014
- 21 janv. 2014 Lettre d'Ari et Daniel : Ensemble, pour le rayonnement d'Invitation à la Vie 21 janv. 2014
- 9 janv. 2014 9-12 janvier 2014 : réunion d'IVI International 9 janv. 2014
octobre 2013
- 8 oct. 2013 Allocution d'Ari à la réunion de Saint-Ouen, le 6 octobre 2013 8 oct. 2013