Advancing in age, staying young and healthy!
Isn’t this a wish that all of us entertain ?
Yvonne was very clear about this -1st quote of the day, received at the beginning of 2023 -
"For God, old age does not exist. The soul is eternal, it’s always young. »
It’s this theme 'Advancing in age ...' that the Collegiate of the House of Health proposed during its first meeting between ttherapists on 19th November (published in a previous copy of the Linking Letter).
It is important for us to emphasise the rôle of the 3 Keys, whose functions concern prevention, regeneration, and healing, in the hope of opening our meetings to all members of Invitation to Life, with animation shared between therapists and competent diretors.
"Non-aging is a question of permanent re-balancing " Yvonne *
On Saturday 21 January, the day of the meeting of the House of Health, Michelle O, responsable for the Harmonising Mission, enriched our theme with extracts from Yvonne’s teaching which she knows so well. She helped us refiine our understanding of the « key » gestures in the progression of a harmonisation, the opening of the chakras, the blocking of the diagonals, the breath, the ethereal body..., which enable us to grasp or to reconsider a luminous process in our cellular organelles.
Indeed, we know that any error will leave a trace in the body, and we appreciate the gestual and the energetic rebalancing of a harmonisation : "Harmonisation prepares a complete system of life, a complete genetic system for the world of tomorrow. You will notice that if you harmonise a person regularly, they will look younger."Yvonne.
Here is one of the beautiful testimonies with which we have been entrusted:
"Every time I get up (after a harmonisation), I feel as if I’d just enjoyed an hour of aesthetic care, a freshness in my face, lightness in my head as if it had just been liberated from everything that weighed it down. The face is rejuvenated, relaxed, luminous, the gaze has changed. I felt as if I’d just returned to life."
As for prayer, we are accustomed to addressing our intentions for our neighbour as well for other persons on the far side of the world, without any direct perception of the effect produced. No doubt they will feel better when they receive the energy. You expand, you are like eggs in a plate which you beat until the whites become whipped eggs.
"*This is the beginning of Yvonne’s meessage which we heard on Saturday 18 Feburary (reference which was published in the IVI Linking Letter – please correct, thank you.)
So what is the relation between Vibrations, Molecular Vibrations and already breathing and physical relaxation, walking, singing?
It’s up to each of us to adopt our dispositions to live these keys to health, and also happiness, as intensely as possible. Well-being, a healing balm in order to enable us to live, body and soul, as a happy young missionary.
Let’s continue this work together. We invite you to keep an eye on the anouncements concerning our next Saturday meetings.
* Yvonne Trubert Self Regeneration The (Ancients) – Book of IVI n°45 – 1988 ©
** Yvonne at Carnac 8 &9 September 1984