The House of Health
Our Annual Meeting of the House of Health, House of Saint tRaphaël, was defined, this year, by Molecular Vibration Training Meetings.
* XX° JAIMS in Sumène – 14/18 September 2022 -
Theme: Our DNA? Soul, Love, Light, Memory...
This year, the Maison de la Santé Saint Raphaël celebrated the 20th edition of its Annual International Days (JAIMS) in Sumène , on the theme of DNA.
These days united 45 participants from Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Spain, New Zealand and the Netherlands as well as numerous French people, many of whom had journeyed to Sumène from all the corners of France.
Upon arrival, each participant received a booklet containing excerpts from Yvonne's recordings in chronological order, most of which we listened to as the programme progressed. It was wonderful to share together, in consciousness, and aware of their benefits for the DNA, each of the 3 Keys, purification, Molecular Vibrations, the Tree of Life, and Jacob’s Ladder.
During the 1st Rosary, a minute of silence was devoted to the memory of Marie-Paule, coordinator of the House of Health for many years (until her return to the Father at the beginning of 2022). She was also 'present' among us as it was her rosary which covered 'Mary’s basket' collecting our intentions.
Our first day then alterrnated between practical exercises – designed to lessen the
inconvenient weight of the genetic inheritance from our ascendants – and scientific communication. These exchanges gained in truth and depth, and consequently, we felt lighter.
This year, everyone was invited to sit on a chair reserved in their name, written on a card, in order to maintain the same proximity. We were therefore able to feel the vibrational evolution of our immediate neighbors over time.
We were also invited to reinform the water in our food and in our body, to move to Mazet and listen to Marie d'H. share her understanding of the DNA of plants, as well as to become aware of our family heritage relating to money and matter.
Among the primary interventions, we heard that the DNA present in the water of all our cells is an inseparable component of immunity, memory, identity, light, intercellular exchanges and therefore of Life!
While the scientific community continues to study the expression of coding DNA (about 3%) - in other words genetics – the expression of the 97% of 'non-coding' DNA is now coming under increased scrutiny. Yvonne’s teaching should be included in the fiield of epigenetics, together with the influence of the environment and especially our own behavior on our genome, and finally on our health.
Is it so surprising to discover the DNA subtly embedded on a new sketch of the flag of the House of Health offered by one of our friends, an artist, inspired by listening to an excerpt from Yvonne ?
Between our informal and scientific communications, we nourished our bodies and minds with beneficial herbal teas – carefully composed for these meetings every day by our constant associates Morgane and Benjamin. We also served fruit during the breaks, and then delicately fragrant meals prepared by a local caterer. Beautiful sun and pure skies allowed us to settle outside for all these moments of sharing, even on the last day, for our morning prayer.
To sum up, our fraternity has grown in Love, Light, Complicity, Fluidity, and Vitality as we explore the vast theme of DNA, taking the time to exchange with each other, and especially to practice the 3 Keys as well as Molecular Vibrations.
Each of us left feeling recharged, reinformed, and nourished by an indefinable Force with which we shall dive into a professional end of the year full of surprises.
Leaders and other members of the Collegiate
* Molecular Vibration Training Days:
About forty people were trained in three sessions, two in Paris and one in Avignon. Both of the sessions in Paris were attended by people from Germany, Argentina, Austria, Bulgaria, Australia, New Zealand, and the Netherlands. Then, in Avignon, people from Spain and Switzerland. Representatives from the Houses of France were also present for the three sessions.
Everyone must continue this work, the impetus for which has been given. Thank you for all your prayers to support these people on this journey of formation.
The Leaders and other members of the Collegiate of Paris