


Do we accept all that God gives us to experience?

To obey God is accepting at every moment what He puts us through, what He gives us to experience. So it’s immense: He gives us so many gifts that we do not see.

What is the meaning of: obedience to God?  Many people ask us this question because it’s immense. Our day is 24 hours long, and we can be asked the question a thousand times, in our workplace, in our love or emotional life, in how we behave towards others
 What does it mean to obey God?  There is one thing that must never be forgotten: what is God’s law? God’s law is Love!   

There you are, that covers it all: He has not created any laws. And when He gave the laws to Moses, He said: “Your hearts are hardened, you no longer see
”.  He was obliged to say: “You shall love your father and your mother, you shall love your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your strength, you shall honour your father and mother, you shall not kill, you shall not lie, you shall not steal
” Did God really have to say this to man, made by Himself, in His image?  And we betrayed Him. 

God did not impose the laws, we did. The law of God is contained in a single word: love. To obey God is to accept at every moment what He puts us through, what He gives us to experience. So it’s immense, He gives us so many gifts that we do not see
 Obedience: have I done well or have I done badly? We ask ourselves questions. In love there are no thirty six solutions, there is a standard answer: have I harmed the other person?  If I do this, will I cause harm to the other person? If in our conscience we make the other person happy, then we are in the truth. That is obedience to God.   

To obey means always wishing good for the other, whoever it may be! Wherever we are, if we carry some responsibility, let us arrange for all those who work with us to be happy, so that they find their autonomy, their dignity, and a path that is truly theirs. It is up to each one of us to communicate and transmit this.


🎧 Humility


🎧 Tolerance