

Letting oneself be loved

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Do we still have difficulties in letting ourselves be loved? If so, under what circumstances, by whom? We can only let ourselves be loved if we know that we are loved. But do not wait for human love alone, which crumbles and is fragile... It is divine love that culminates in our lives because He, the Father, never abandons us.

What God wants from you is to see you naked, as when you were born on this earth. He knows you, He lives with you, He knows who you are. Don't try to hide: when you want to appear differently to who you are, you hurt yourself. The war begins there, inside yourself. Try to see differently, to understand differently.

I often say to people: "Let yourself be loved!" And I am regularly answered: "But I let myself be loved, you know, I do what He tells me, I do everything..." Do everything! That is not what it means to let yourself be loved. We can only let ourselves be loved if we know that we are loved, but do not wait for human love alone: which crumbles and is fragile.... It is divine love that culminates in our lives because He, the Father, never abandons us. He loves us, you can be sure of that, to the end. When you know that you are loved, then you can free yourself because you know that you are being watched, that you are seen, that you are protected, that you are guided all your life. He is close to us and we don't know it.

To let yourself be loved is trying to let yourself be lightly touched by the other person's soul. We need this caress, this softness... One word, one look, one gesture and we are saved.  So let us really try to center ourselves and tell ourselves that there is no age for being loved and especially letting ourselves be loved.  We must be aware of this.

Have you thought for a second if the Lord came here to talk to you: what would you do? What would you say? What would your attitude be? Remember, for those who know the Bible and the Acts of the Apostles, how this man was venerated and loved when He passed through towns and villages. And so you... why wouldn't we look at you in the same way? If you let yourself be loved, we would also come to you for help, we would reach out our hands and arms to you, we would certainly reach out for you to kiss little children... But become gentle: be gentle and humble of heart, erase those metallic voices that often assail others, and especially on the phone! I hear so many suffering voices that do not realize how much their echoes can hurt. Let us try to look at and moderate all our actions, let us become a little wiser. But to enter into this wisdom, to which everyone aspires, I know, you must encounter this humility which is the stripping down of oneself, stripping down your ego, of your thinking mind. Oh! How that one plays tricks on you! Christ was right to call it the Evil One because it attacks our heads directly and we are amazed to hear ourselves say words that hurt or have attitudes that we would not have suspected in ourselves.

We must therefore attain this gentleness. Christ said: "Become again little children, become gentle and humble of heart and you will see God." Seeing God! Are there men and women who do not aspire to see God? Why can't you see Him? And yet He does not hide, but we do not look at Him because we are not at peace with ourselves. Our conscience is not entirely in harmony. So we say: I would like to see Him so much, but at the same time, certainly not! Because you would be afraid of being judged, wouldn’t you? As if God were a judge! He is all love and tenderness and He wants to make you His brothers and sisters. We are of the same essence, we have the same Father and the same Mother and He wants us to be like Himself. This means that He has put all the capacities of creation in you, He has put all your talents - diverse and varied talents - so that this humanity will not be morose, will not be sad, so that you can sparkle from all your facets. These talents that are in you are not only the arts, there are other invisible talents within you. Make them come out, precisely by becoming gentle and humble of heart.

Erase all your desires for domination forever. To feel superior to others is already to want to dominate them. Feeling smarter than others is manipulation. To feel so different from others, more beautiful than others, is already to condemn oneself. So be aware, each and every one of you, of carrying the fire of the word, of transmitting to others what you have heard, what you would like to give to others.

I know, you women, mothers or mothers-to-be or grandmothers, you love your children, don't you? You'd be able to give your life for them, at least you believe it! But would you give your life for Christ? I don't think so. Yet He tells us this that we must remember: "He who tries to save his life will lose it and he who gives his life will save it." What ambiguity in the mouth of Christ... He gave us a life, let's not waste it. Let us try to see and draw from our roots, the true ones.

We rely on humans only in the love we have for them. If you want men and women in your surroundings to change, don't expect anything from them but you, transform yourself. Bring all these riches to the one who has none, give without counting.


🎧 To love and to be loved


🎧 Love in its purest form