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What obstacles prevent us from being “sowers of love” in our attitudes and actions?
God is creator; everything that happens is in service to us. Therefore, like Him, like the farmer, like the humblest person, let us sow without discrimination, let us sow love right where we are on our path, wherever we are.
What is harmony? Musical waves, shapes, all colours of the rainbow, this beauty that we sometimes discover… Why does God give us these things to discover? To make us understand that there is harmony in everything, that everything is perfection, that everything is vibration and that an extraordinary symphony has existed within us for thousands of years. It is important to realise how blessed we are. So let us forget our past; let us forget our worries; forget our material and financial problems, or any kind of problems. Let us place all that in the hands of God; He will lead us to what is perfect for us, what is fair for each one of us. Be fully aware, each one of you, of what you carry: you are bearers of life, you are never-ending love, you are the symbol of God on earth.
So live in the present at every moment, without worrying about the time that will follow, without worrying about the next 15 minutes, tomorrow, or six months from now, don't worry about anything: take it day by day. God watches over us all and everything, since God is the source within you. He will know how to guide your steps.
So be totally happy with what you are living, share with others. Do not create clans, men have always created clans, break these clans and open up to others. Give constantly, distribute love, be aware that the love you distribute is never shared in vain, it will bear fruit; we do not need to give evidence – evidence is not for us – we are sowers and the harvest will be abundant and then the reapers will come. We are not reapers, we are sowers.
Let us not try to see, out of pride, whether the seed we planted germinates. That is vanity. We sow and God does the rest. When a farmer goes to his land to sow, he waters, he sows, but he does not stay there in his field to watch. He will sleep peacefully, knowing that the sun and God will do the rest. The warmth of the rays upon the earth will cause germination and then the water will make all the seeds burst open; once again nature will blossom and turn green. God is creator; everything that happens is in service to us. Therefore, like Him, like the farmer, like the humblest person, let us sow without discrimination, let us sow love right where we are on our path, wherever we are. And let us especially not regard people with pity. In love, there is no room for pity. Love is above everything. Love is above hatred and all forms of dissension. Love renews everything, it affects everything, it is the symbol of life itself.
So when you sow, sow, and sow again, and then sow again! God will make the harvest grow. That`s it. That`s what loving is, and that`s what rediscovering life is. And along the way, as the sowing is happening, the universal consciousness within you will open up to other dimensions. We will then be able to understand what others are thinking. We will be able to grasp from far away, from thousands of miles away, what is happening in a country. How come? Because time does not exist and space does not exist; only energy exists, and energy is in everything and everywhere, and in every dimension. And since we are energy, we capture these energies, and therefore we are receiver transmitters for the whole universe. Why have we then remained so small in this fourth dimension? Because we have not known how to cultivate love. That's all.