Free will is love
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Do we know how to let others be free?
Why has God given us free will? Well you should first ask me the question which you did not ask: Why is God Love?
Because without Love there is no freedom, without Love there is no free will. If God were not God, we would have no choice. But it is because God is God, that is, because God is Love, God is totally Love, that He gave man (even though fallen) the possibility of transforming, of returning to the Light. He gives mankind all the latitude to do so, every opening to do so, on one condition. It is Christ who came to bring this extraordinary testimony: the only condition which allows mankind to find God again is Love, it is loving and forgiving. As soon as man stops judging, as soon as man forgives, he fully becomes a child of God, with all the opportunities to truly be who he was at the beginning of time.
And if mankind has fallen, and if God has allowed this fall, time, for you, seems long, does it not? But for God the time is very short. That is, He allowed man the possibility of finding his own paradise. Man believed for a long time that matter was paradise, for from the moment that man found gold, he believed himself to be rich. From the moment he found precious stones and metals, he surrounded himself with gold and gems. Man has completely invested himself in matter, believing he had found paradise, where happiness was equal to the wealth surrounding him. God let man be, until the moment when man understood that that happiness was illusory, it did not exist, because at the moment of leaving this earth, what does he have left?
Nothing! Where was that knowledge which was man's wealth; what has he done with it?
And it is also through Love that God has given man the possibility of finding again the very essence from which he came, the very essence, after turpitude and years of suffering, man lashed out in all directions in trying to find an artificial happiness. And God waited patiently until the moment, after the coming of Christ, that is, 2000 years is a long time but also so little. All that time was necessary for man to try to find his error within himself; so how is it that he could not grasp why he had left the earthly paradise? Who could bring him back to this earthly paradise; what notion had escaped him, living as he did in illusion? He thought he loved; he believed he loved so much that he loved his family to the point of making it a clan. He understood nothing about why God created families. He had restricted his family to a small circle. Yet God never limits families. As soon as we have different points of view, we distance ourselves from true knowledge.
From the moment when man searched, searched, searched in vain, God always sent messengers; He always took care of humanity. At very precise moments, He sent messengers throughout the world, to say what was happening, to say to men to "prepare yourselves". And when Christ came, He sent all that man needed to know. He sent to man the reflection of what man needed to learn, needed to understand. And I don't have to tell you here what was done to Christ, because he disturbed, he disturbed humanity, which had settled in fear, but in an illusory happiness. And so, Christ had to speak about Love, tenderness, consolation. What had this man come to do, this man who disturbed societies that had established happiness, albeit artificial, but which existed, which could be envisioned, which was plausible to others.
And you are astonished that God gives man his freedom, He gives it still today, but with an additional qualification. If He gives us freedom, it is so that through our own freedom, we have the possibility of freeing ourselves but also freeing others. And the only condition to all of this is Love. It is through Love that Satan, the enemy of God, will be confronted. He will no longer exist, as he cannot bear Love... What does a being who cannot tolerate Love do? He diminishes, he decreases. First, he doesn't want to lose his place on Earth, as his place has been large. He had extraordinary powers and therefore created his kingdom. But if people love each other, it is not at all his kingdom anymore. It cannot be both a kingdom of Satan and a kingdom of God.
Well, it is through man's freedom that he will find the possibility of freeing himself. That is why a new man, a new world can only be born out of Love, and investment in Love. Nothing else will work, and every time that you pray, that you pulverise all the negativity that surrounds you, as you say, you purify the planet, you purify the souls of others, the bodies of others, and all that is through Love. It is not through willpower, nor through conquest. Therein lies the extraordinary greatness of God. He has left man so free that it is through freedom that He invites man once again to find the knowledge, and become once again a child of God in all of its fullness; hence attachment to the throne, hence attachment to the kingdom. Some ground has been covered, but Love will conquer. Christ himself said: "I have conquered death". So Love will be victorious; that is why you have freedom. God can never impose anything by force, He would not be God.
In the word 'symbol' there are images, drawings which transmit what is in the invisible; 'symbol' means all that. But 'diabol' means the opposite; it is division, it is all that divides beings. That is why Satan took this diabolical emblem because it separates beings. Satan has created his throne through division and destruction. Whereas through Love, God invites His children to return to His kingdom. That is what we must understand. Freedom has value only if we understand that God is Love and that it is through Love that He lets us be free. He could have destroyed Satan, He could have destroyed Lucifer. It would have taken Him so little effort, but where would the Love be? Destruction is not Love.