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Can you feel the difference in your energy when you are with your soul or when you’re in the mind with your ego?
If we are talking about the architects of the Egyptian empire, we notice that they were all initiates. What does "initiate" mean? Simply that they left the human way to get access to the divine way. On this path, they abandoned the conventional approach that they knew in order to embrace an ideal that they did not know. That is to say, they let themselves be guided towards values which were sometimes totally different, based on a different conception of harmony, on various instruments.
Question to Yvonne: You have told us that God is a great mathematician. So we know that in art there is the famous Golden Number, of which we do not even know the origin. It came to us from the dawn of time and it was followed by many painters, but also by musicians and artists in general. We can see that this famous Golden Number may be great or terrible. It is at its best when it is introduced into a work, I want to say without being noticed and where it radiates harmony, as you said earlier. But sometimes it can also be very boring: we know painters who have followed it to the letter and who have done work that becomes tiresome because, precisely, they followed only the mathematical rule of the golden number. Can you tell us why there is this shift in the same system?
Yvonne: It's very simple. The mathematicians of several thousand years back understood this golden number. It's true. They grasped it. They understood it. Yet, behind all this, there is an extraordinary and inaccessible extent of divine knowledge. That is to say, mathematics that go beyond the human understanding. They go beyond it by the intensive work of researching these mathematics but, at the same time, people are looking too far because these mathematics are much simpler. Art and beauty occur when they start with the golden number, and then vary their behavior. It is only necessary that the painter, the artist, the musician, lets himself be carried into this tabernacle of God. If we do not enter into communion with Him, we will not be able to draw from our work, whatever it is, the beauty that He expects from it. That is why beauty is totally linked to the fundamental quality of man, his essential virtues which are in the image of God.
Q: In what state of mind can we create beauty?
Since the beginning of time, in all civilizations that have gone before us, we have seen masterpieces, whether in architecture, sculpture, painting of course, and music, but also in some arts forgotten today, such as graphism (ie, the expression of thought through symbols), stone carvers, and many other artists who have totally disappeared these days.
What is beauty through art and through any human being who tries to express beauty? In what state of mind can he perceive the beauty he wants to show or to make known to others? And again, we see that all the great artists of all human societies who have preceded us have been privileged with regard to their ideal, precisely spiritual.
If we talk about the architects of the Egyptian empire, we can see that they were all initiates. What does "initiate" mean? Simply put, they left their human path in order to access a divine path. In this trajectory, they abandoned the classical patterns that they knew, in order to embrace an ideal which they did not know. That is to say, they let themselves be guided and used different instruments and values which were sometimes totally different, based on a different conception of harmony.
I believe that all those who left us traces today at the end of the 20th century are those who had overcome their human knowledge and had acceded to laws that they did not know, but by which they allowed themselves to be molded. The beauty that emanates from all these people, from all these masterpieces, from all that remains of the tangible, the audible, is simply because beauty satiates man. If there is no beauty, man cannot be satiated.
Whether the beauties are different from each other, no beauty escapes man: music, painting, architecture, those people who knew how to engrave stones, even if very few stones remain. Today, we realize that from all this emanates a beauty that overtakes us, that surpasses us. And we are aware of the extraordinary gap between wanting to demonstrate something through our personal knowledge and trying to leave a message to men out of love. It's quite different.
Beauty, in that latter case, is totally satisfying. It enriches us because it touches our deepest fibers. Even an uneducated man will be able to perceive beyond words, beyond what he sees, something so great emanating from it. And I think it is very important to know that every man has a thirst for beauty and we cannot live without beauty. Even the smallest blade of grass is beautiful when we know how to discover it, perhaps with a pearl of dew, it is beautiful, it reaches its peak. You must see it in the morning at dawn.
You see, every kind of beauty must be discovered where it hides, in the myriads of discoveries that man must make to reach this temporal and atemporal universe. From the visible to the invisible, beauty is given to man so that we can feast on this fantastic wonder and creation.
Q: Nature always seemed to me to be of incomparable beauty and one cannot deny it. Can you explain this?
You know, if there are great painters today, of all times, it's simply because they knew how to observe what was going on around them. No painter could have perceived a more refined beauty than what nature offered them to look at. For example, when one understands colors: green, for instance, since you mention nature. In nature, one cannot classify the different greens. There are just so many. There are an unthinkable number of greens, tones, semitones and hues. And this means that if we observe nature, we will see different greens harmonizing perfectly one within the other.
We realize that nature itself has its fundamental laws, precisely in order to mingle, to mix with others. We are aware of grasses, flowers, wildlife, and why some flowers grow beside certain trees and not others. Why some grasses stifle some flowers and not others, because some flowers near some trees would harm the soil. Why? The earth also has fundamental mathematics. It has its degrees of a whole hidden universe which are minerals, metals, all these fantastic riches which give color to flowers, which give them their perfumes. This fundamental alchemy will give over; we see only what appears, but what is in the depths of the earth is what allows the beauty that we discover. One must realize that every aspect of what one sees is only part of what is. Therefore not all beauty can be discovered because a great part is hidden there.
And that is what we can discover with the wealth that we have and that we know about. Discovering, day after day, something infinite... And when we say infinite, it is really infinite, because nothing is ever definite on earth. There is an immutable law that grows, authorizes, destroys, pulverizes, sweeps away, but by the fantastic mathematics of this universe, there is a phenomenon of erasure on this earth where everything that is ugly can be erased in a few years, allowing beauty to reappear where ugliness had been sown. I think we have to allow, in fact, we have to know how to observe what we did not know how to observe before. A pebble, if you observe it, will it be there tomorrow? Yet you have the impression that it does not move. You are wrong. It lives and its location will have changed a few millimeters. It will have changed tomorrow, in eight days, in three months, in a year, in ten years. It is this beauty that one must know how to discover. That is why I told you at the outset that there is no such thing as beauty that is not alive.