The body
The three bodies
French l Spanish
Do I feel in harmony, with myself, with the universe?
There is a life, an intelligence, a perfect order in our cells and in each one of our organs.
Have you seen this man who is represented here? This man is you, it's me, it's the whole of humanity. This man has specific characteristics that we are going to find out about so that you understand the meaning of your life. The earth, you know what it is, don't you? You have studied it, you know the continents, you know the oceans, seas, mountains, rivers, and fields, you know all that. But what you may not know is that at the centre of the earth is a force, and the earth is boiling at its centre. Volcanoes are the safety valves of this earth.
This earth is joined by other planets such as the moon that governs all the oceans, the movement of the ebb and flow of the sea, it has an impact on water and the moon also has an impact on a woman's life. We who are carriers of life, who give life through our children, the moon has an impact on us because our cycles are synchronised by the moon, our 28 day cycles each month are due to a precise mathematical calculation. 28 days of rotation are enough for the moon to circle the Earth. The planets are important for the earth and the earth is important for the planets. We are in constant communication.
And then there is the sun, the sun that shines, we see it in your country especially, but this sun has a huge impact on man's way of thinking. The sun will not affect our femininity, but your masculinity. The sun will therefore be of paramount importance in our lives. And then there are all the other planets that are correlated, in correspondence with each other and have a perfect cycle, that rotate.
I am telling you this so that you know that the earth and the other planets are in constant communication.
And what does man do in all of this? We have a very important role because we are transmitter-receivers of different wavelengths. We have positive waves, negative waves and neutral waves. But for us to live totally well, there must be a perfect balance of these waves. And you're going to see how it's done. We will explain it to you. It is important to know that each one of you is a detonator of energy. You will see and understand as you go along how this energy enters into you, how it comes out, how you are enriched and how life happens in our cells.
It is very important to understand that we have 3 bodies. Your material body that you can touch and feel, you have grasped that one I think, but this is only an appearance. In this body, under this smooth, tight skin, there is a life, a quiver of life that no eye can see. It takes microscopes to see the life of a cell and how each of our billions of cells in our body lives. There is a life, an intelligence, a perfect order in our cells and in each one of our organs.
We come from the earth and there are parables that cannot be forgotten. "Dust, you will return to dust”, "Matter you will return to matter". This means that this dust from which we are made does indeed come from the earth. The earth contains precisely all the minerals that your body is made of. Calcium, magnesium, copper, gold, silver, cobalt, manganese, and many many others. This means that all the minerals that are part of the earth are in each one of our cells and we understand that the vegetable kingdom is also in us, vitamins, proteins. All this is the food of our cells. That is why we must eat two to three times a day to nourish our material cells.
But we have other energies that will feed the cells in another way. It is these 2 bodies that we do not see, bodies of energy. These 2 bodies plus the material body will make your body a perfect being. 2 bodies of energy mixed with the matter will make a man. You will see how these 3 bodies have a very special life and are assimilated at each moment of your life to contribute to your breath, your life, your gestures, everything you have to do and all this without disturbing you.
You never stop to breathe, do you, and yet you breathe. You exhale and you can eat, talk, work, while breathing. God has allowed man to live totally without stopping anything. Breathing is a natural act, it's the breath! If you stop breathing you will see what happens.
Breath is the first action of life. This oxygen that we breathe in will infiltrate our body and be sorted instantly. All this oxygen will oxygenate our blood and what`s left will be rejected with the carbon dioxide and will have cleaned our lungs and our blood. You will see this chemistry, this extraordinary alchemy of everything that happens in a body. Reassure yourselves, I won’t give you a lesson in medicine, I don't have the time. I’m just giving you the essentials so that you can be effective for others.