
Forgiveness and freedom

Forgiveness to the soul

French l Spanish

What is forgiveness?

What is forgiveness? I have told you 100,000 times: to forgive is to love beyond giving, that is to say, par-don, in French. It means to forgive everything to the person who hurt you. Well it’s very sweet when people claim “I have forgiven”, but in fact, they haven’t forgiven. So why haven’t they forgiven? Christ says, “You forgive with lip service, but your heart remains dry.” So what does “to forgive with lip service” mean?

What is forgiveness? I have told you 100,000 times: to forgive is to love beyond giving, that is to say, par-don, in French. It means to forgive everything to the person who hurt you. Well it`s very sweet when people claim "I have forgiven", but in fact, they haven't forgiven. So why haven't they forgiven? Christ says, "You forgive with lip service, but your heart remains dry." So what does "to forgive with lip service" mean?

R: You forgive, but you don't forget. Usually, when someone forgives, he forgets everything, that is, he completely eliminates everything that happened before and he finishes with it. But I think that when someone hurts you, the advantage of forgiveness, if you've understood what's going on in the human body (you said earlier: where there is division, it is The Enemy; where there is union, it is God). Normally if someone has hurt you, either he is conscious of what he is doing, in which case he is working with The Enemy, or he is completely unconscious, in which case he is being manipulated by The Enemy. So when someone hurts us, it's usually up to us to have the insight to see who we are dealing with.

Yvonne: I'm really going to explain forgiveness to you once and for all. If you only knew how much confusion there is in forgiveness! For example, you say, and I'll use your words: "When someone has suffered, and he forgets the suffering..." But that's not what forgiveness means. You might think so, but it isn`t that.

What is forgiveness? Of course, when someone hurts us, there is suffering, that's obvious. But it is not true that the pain dissipates once we have forgiven. But there's something crucial that we must never forget. When you forgive, you forgive the being, or rather, you forgive the individual (not the being), whose name may be Gertrude or Alfred... But in fact, it's not that. You have to forgive in order to free the soul of the one who hurt you, because any person who makes you suffer, in any way, immediately imprisons his soul. When you hurt someone, your soul cannot be complicit... perhaps your head, your ego, your mind, but not your soul; your soul cannot be part of the process. Yet, you insert your soul into your scheming, into your human schemes. Your soul simply cannot, so it is a prisoner.

And forgiveness is addressing the other's soul. "I forgive you so-and-so" (whatever the name is), and you address the soul consciously. You do not forgive the human image, but the soul of the person who has hurt you. From that moment on, his soul is set free and therefore you are set free. Because from the moment there is a conflict between 2 people, or between 2 or 3 or 10, from the moment there is a conflict, both souls are affected and are subject to slavery. Through no fault of their own, the souls find themselves slaves of a system that they did not ask for. The soul has come to love, it has not come to sow discord, it has not come to kill someone.

And so from that moment on, this means that when a person hurts you, whomever it may be, it is the work of The Enemy. So as you have said, he is aware, well, more or less aware, but very often he is rather unaware because he is manipulated. He is manipulated by The Enemy, who has his ways of manipulating you, in one way or another.

In our modern world, there is a particular sadomasochistic phenomenon. That is, there is a complacency to hurt oneself and that is serious. So we really have to understand this in order not to fall into the traps of this sadomasochism. It didn't exist before; we started seeing this meandering in the 21st century. So what I am telling you is to facilitate this forgiveness, this `trial by fire`. It's extraordinary; you talk to the soul of the other person and immediately...

I have a brief recollection of something that happened in the month of July... At the hospital, as soon as she found out, a woman phoned her son and told him: you should call your twin brother (they hadn't seen each other for years). He said: "No, it wasn’t me who did the wrong thing, I have nothing to say to him." She says, "Yes, I want you to call him to make peace, etc." and she collapsed in tears. Since he's got a big heart, the son says, "Don't worry, Mom, I'll phone him." And

so he does. Two or three days later the mother goes back to the hospital to start the treatment. Upon re-examination, there is nothing left, she had been healed on the spot, just through the forgiveness of her 2 sons, her 2 twins. Which proves to you just how much effect forgiveness can have; I have many testimonies on this, as you know.

As long as we haven`t forgiven, we retain a splinter. Sometimes people think of Christ, of his Passion, at Easter time. I would like us to talk about and live his Passion every day. That is, to understand that he died through Love and not through anything else, only through his Love for humanity, so that we may live and still have Earth with us today. That is what`s important. But you must know how to forgive, not forgiveness with lip service, but rather forgiveness from the bottom of your soul. And now, when you forgive or ask for forgiveness, well it will be to the soul of the other person, not to his head, not to his ego, certainly not to his libido, but truly to his most beautiful essence: his soul. Because you understand that his soul has nothing to do with human scheming. And at that moment everything is different because forgiveness has a different significance, a different magnitude. You become aware of having cut incredible ties, of which you were an unwitting prisoner. We are dominated when we do not truly exist in forgiveness.

So indeed in all forgiveness, of course there is suffering. But if you keep the pain as some lasting thing, you will keep it all your life. Forgiveness is precisely to erase all forms of suffering, since suffering is self-destruction. 


🎧 Liberating forgiveness