
Matter and energy

Is matter in its rightful place
in our daily lives?

French l Spanish

What is my relationship with matter today? Is it related to what I have known as a child?

People may very well accumulate riches in banks: if these riches remain in the bank and if they do not become fluid, implosions in the invisible and also visible forces will be created. There have always been human revolutions caused by injustice, as there have also been revolutions in the spirit of man. 

First of all, we must consider our life at the end of the 20th century. We cannot give up matter, at least for the moment. We have a fragile body which needs clothing. We have a damaged body which needs to be rebuilt through nourishment. We have a body constantly searching for its equilibrium, and we need various schemes for health to provide that equilibrium, through conscious contributions of certain nutritional needs of our bodies. Matter comforts us: we have a roof, we live in cities, in buildings with costs such as telephone and heating. We are a communal chain made up of very different individuals, who must be sheltered. The earliest human tribes always built a roof and walls for shelter: matter protects us from the outside. It can only come from the earth. A city such as Paris has thousands of buildings of all kinds, churches, cathedrals, basilicas and chapels. This is billions of tons of rock, of cement blocks which are there in a very small space, compared to the map of the world. These billions of tons of matter, of minerals, can only be extracted from the earth; we remove them from one place and put them in another. The equilibrium of the atmosphere and of the earth both remain unchanged.

People may very well accumulate riches in banks: if these riches remain in the bank and if they do not become fluid, implosions in invisible and also visible forces will be created. There have always been human revolutions caused by injustice, as there have also been revolutions in the spirit of man. Injustice also creates revolutions in the earth. We cannot escape from cosmic laws: every false equilibrium, every economic or political imbalance is a false stability. Unknowingly, we often stand upon volcanoes.

For the moment, we need matter. We need an arm-chair, but of what use is having ten? We must free our spirits from unneeded surplus, because it could enrich many others. Let us be aware of the essential in our lives, so that we can collaborate, that we unite as one single body, so that this body of matter be rendered humble for the benefit of others.

Matter plays different roles within us, depending on our behaviours, our tastes, our appetites, our longings. God will choose for us those missions that He will give us. We are assigned one mission or another. Within the material world, this means that we must bear witness to Christ in speaking the truth where it is found, wherever we are. We must be aware that we use much excess material, whereas others do not even have what is necessary. It is a total imbalance in the material world.


🎧 Money