Think and you create

10 - We are creators

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For you will realise that we are creators, and that every creator creates everything he thinks.

You have to think for a moment… when we know that we have 20, 30, 40 or 50 years behind us, how many times have we created our own death? How many times have we created the most diverse diseases by our fears, by our cowardice, by our evasions? Each time, it took all of God`s love to bring us out of our darkness. But then one day, the love is no longer strong enough because it is not vivified. Of course we are free, and in leaving us free, God lets us go on our way. We have two choices. God gives us total freedom of thought. We have the path of light or we have the path of darkness. Never has God's love given orders to men. Never. God leaves us free, and within this freedom, we have gone astray, since we have made a compromise with matter. 

And the materialistic world has trapped man in his own prison. We are prisoners of our creation. And so, we are prisoners of our minds, of our cogitations, and of course of our own misconduct. For we have created from scratch our entanglement in matter. We have become instruments of the Enemy, for we have enjoyed everything that the illusion of money has created in us.

It was therefore important to understand this at the beginning.


🎧 9 - Preparing an other world


🎧 11 - From matter to spirit