It is, really, to access more consciousness.
So what does it mean when you say for example: "I don't understand anything, or I don't hear anything"? Well, thank God if you don't understand anything. You have done enough damage with your head. The whole of mankind has destroyed fellow brothers and sisters, by this very ego. What God wants is that you abolish the ego to access your self, no longer your "I", but rather the being. You really must not listen with your head. We don’t care, you can think whatever you want. What is important is that you understand what you are being asked.
How did Christ teach his apostles? He taught using only His voice, and He did what He showed. So that means… what am I showing you? Just what you can do, what you know how to do. I'm not showing you things that are unbearable for you, or that are not within your understanding. If a 6-year-old child were here, he would immediately repeat these sounds, because for him it is natural. You think it's sophisticated; he knows that this is life, it is his life. This shows the difference between us and the youth. Young people (even your children who are 15 or 20 years old) are born with a very different experience from ours. They are prepared in the world before coming, to live what they will have to live.
As for us, we are still in the ancient world. We are trying hard to hold onto the reins of the ancient world. We would like the material world to continue as it is, we would like banks to continue to be there, we would like our material comforts to be well established, well installed, we would like to have our little holidays, we would like to have our country house, etc., and we believe that this is life. And Christ wants you to understand that it's not, that it's all an illusion. The world has lost…, mankind has lost thousands of years because it stubbornly lived what it thought was life.