Think and you create
5 - The gift of transformation
What does it mean to transform oneself? All of your questions circle around something. You are circling around the truth, but you aren't quite there, because you say: “Is it a gift from God?” No. God gives us the gift before the transformation. He gave it to you at birth. And what did we do with this realisation? We totally forgot it; we totally hid it. From then on, in our lives, we depend on our own devices: our intelligence, our willpower and, therefore, our knowledge. As soon as we are aware of an illness, we realize that neither knowledge, nor willpower, nor intelligence can eliminate that which we wish to eliminate: the smallest and the most subtle things in our lives, such as our faults, our flaws, in fact, our doubts. Why can't we manage to get rid of them? Precisely because we apply our willpower.
But you must remember something. Early in the group, you all heard a cassette about the origin of transformation: “The Ego and the Soul”. If you have forgotten it, then you will be unable to understand what transformation is: the ego is to the devil what the soul is to God. This does not mean that the ego is the devil. But through the ego, the devil shows us his facets and attracts us to false realities and false lights. And so we constantly struggle. We battle between the ego, which is part of our intelligence, and the soul, which is part of the intelligence of the heart. Yet the same intelligence guides both. But for man, what is most painful is to reach that barrier, that place where the ego meets the soul to then move together towards a common goal: then transformation takes place.
So, in order to reach what we are looking for, in order to transform what we have to transform, whether it be our faults, flaws, doubts, despair, stress, but also our mental, moral or physical fatigue. We notice that this fatigue is due to an incapacity to attain what we desire. From the moment that he has encountered God, a person has but one wish. From the very instant where he caught a glimpse of Him, man loves, he wants to transform himself, he desires to transform himself. For he knows that all of his suffering comes from transformation that is not happening. When we do transform ourselves, that`s it, we overcome a hurdle and we no longer need to search for the ego or the soul, as the two have become one entity. Man transforms himself because he "is". He truly becomes what God wants, he becomes what he was at the start of his earthly life: quite simply, he "is".