The Verb

The methods of communication

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What is the method of communication that I can most easily use to communicate with others? And why? 

We all have the qualities necessary for attaining the highest spheres, and God promised us just that. But we lock ourselves away in theories. That's where Mankind bears the cross of slavery, because we think we're free, but it's only the illusion of freedom. We're slaves to so many things! And yet the first thing that Christ announced to the world was « I have come to set you free. »

And then, one thousand five hundred years later, we see Christ.  He was born in a stable – which means that, in true humility and in total acceptance, He put Himself in the humblest, the poorest of environments.  And yet beyond this humility and apparent poverty, God wanted us to understand that His parents possessed a wealth. And this little baby called Jesus was none other than the son of God Himself.  He revealed Himself in humility and accepted the upheavals in His life, being dragged off to Egypt...  we know everything He went through.

We know about this child who grew up in the bosom of his family, but who had a very different image from other children. Then we hear about the moment, at the age of twelve, when He went up to Jerusalem and was lost for three days. I'm telling you all this so that you understand that the Word, which was made flesh, knew everything. He knew humanity - He also knew about communication. He knew how badly man deformed things with his mind, with his analyses, because human intelligence had existed for thousands and thousands of years.  God knows how much the people of that time suffered the same pain that we do today, two thousand years later - the same conflict between brothers, tribal wars, civil wars... He knew that Rome had conquered all of the Middle East. We have to understand the context in which Christ began speaking. He couldn't speak in careful, classical language, because people would not have been able to follow His words. He couldn't talk like an intellectual, either, because no-one would have been able to remember what he'd said. He had to talk to everyone on earth. For that purpose, he chose twelve men to be His apostles. And these twelve apostles grew into five thousand disciples - a tiny representation of all humanity at that time. Christ's work was teaching.  It was his verbal teaching that showed what His father – and our Father too – wanted for humanity.  He didn't want His thoughts and words to be deformed.  So He spoke in parables, in which every phrase contains a mystery. He used parables, simple words which were part of the everyday life of the Hebrews of that time.  He wanted everyone to hear Him - merchants, fishermen, tax collectors, the Pharisees, the Levites – and to hear Him not with their ears, but with their hearts! Because Christ's parables speak to the soul, to poor people. What does poverty mean? In the Biblical sense, it doesn't only mean apparent, material poverty. The poor man is he who takes refuge in the divine power, who becomes so small compared to the greatness of his Master, who trusts Him to guide his life, who listens and obeys. And Christ wanted to speak to the humble. Remember, at one point, He says - « Oh Father, I thank you for having hidden this from the rich and powerful, and for showing it to the humble and the simple people. »

The Word is the only sure sign of the presence of God. It's by His oral testimony that Christ showed Himself to Mankind, so that in this vibration – and we can use the term vibration – we may recognise when someone is telling the truth – or indeed lying.  However beautiful the language, the soul is never deceived. While the head – I mean the human brain – often allows itself to be overcome by fine language, the soul remains deaf to that form of appeal.

The Word was made flesh so that He could bear witness to the truth of what God wants for humanity.  So He taught us to communicate verbally, which gave us the possibility of telling our brother what we want him to tell others.  But this is where humanity comes in, because if Christ had not spoken in parables, His words could never have been transmitted through time to us.

But His words were not understood, and even the most literate people in the world have tried to analyse His parables without ever grasping the heart of the message.  It takes a lot of love to hear and understand.

Communication! Remember… He arrived in a village, and all the children ran to meet Him. Very soon, within a few minutes, a few hours, everyone from the village was present. They came from everywhere because He knew how to communicate, not only with His voice, but also with His eyes, His gestures. And that form of communication does not deceive. That's what He wanted us to learn – how to be humble and become simple again. How to become the children of God again, capable of hearing and understanding, and loving without fail, never allowing ourselves to be distracted by the appearance of others, and not judging, because we can never know what is hidden within the people we meet. Christ came to earth in humility to teach us to follow His trail of humility, so that we may discover the universal knowledge that lives within each of us. That's the extraordinary adventure of mankind on earth, and God guides us step by step. Everything is written in our cells, in the memory of our soul.  We have all the qualities necessary for attaining the highest spheres, and God promised us just that.  But we lock ourselves away in theories.  That's where Mankind bends under the burden of slavery, because we think we're free, but it's only the illusion of freedom. We're slaves to so many things! And yet the first thing that Christ announced to the world was « I have come to set you free. »

I believe that in order to communicate, we must first be free so that we can tell others what we have to tell them. Communication is speaking to others in the knowledge that what we say will immediately be repeated to others without deformation. We must be free in order to avoid deforming things. That's why writing is so difficult: it implies a framework which is not noticed in the Word. This is where we often fall into the traps set by the devil, because writing is a static medium – even though we may re-read something with pleasure months or even years later, it will never have the same vibration as verbal communication. And so we must be very careful to avoid deforming what we've just heard, so that writing truly becomes a reflection of the Word.