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What expression of your soul have you experienced?
To reach God and know Him, to live with Him, it is necessary to consciously abandon one`s mind in order to reach the Light. This is why Christ said in many of his parables: "Do not speak with your head but speak with your heart. Do not think with your head but think with your heart.
Each one of us must send messages that the other can receive, but the other cannot receive messages that are not messages of love. If you send messages that they are fighting in Afghanistan, they know that already. They do not need us for that. But the message they want to hear every day is our constant effort to love others; it is our internal and external attitudes. Those are the messages that we should send. And neither will you send them through sheer willpower because your willpower is useless. Your mind is a void. Because in space, your mind is just a jumble of cells that serve only for human memory, but beyond space, the mind has no law.
You must realize that in order to reach God and to know Him, to live with Him, it is necessary to consciously abandon one's mind in order to reach the Light. This is why Christ said in many of his parables: "Do not speak with your head but speak with your heart. Do not think with your head but think with your heart". That means that He gave us very specific directions in order to reach what we are and achieve what we must do. All the mental gymnastics that you create are merely very heavy hindrances for your inner attitude, and which keep you from going further in your perseverance and thus further along this path you have chosen and that God has chosen for you.
The astral body is very important but it obeys only one law, a universal law, a cosmic law, which is Love. Your soul is energy, let us not forget, an energy that works constantly. I spoke last night of survival: about people who do not live but merely survive. That is to say they do not let their soul express itself within them. The soul is made to direct the body, to direct our intelligence, to direct all of our cells. But if we forbid the soul to lead, then it will become something very hard within us, from where all forms of depression come. It is an energy that gets blocked, that contracts and that no longer supports life. It no longer flows, it remains totally static and then, of course, one is led to death, because the soul no longer has a role to perform.
It is important to realize how the soul works in a human body. The soul has extraordinary priorities. You will see how, during an illness or during a prayer at a distance, it will intrude on the soul of the other, at that very fraction of a second. You will find that it is very strange to realize how a body can build and transform itself simply through an attitude, through a prayer or an intention of love for someone else.
Therefore what we contribute to our attitudes and transformations is important for ourselves and for those around us. Therefore the soul is not just a vehicle, it is not only an energy of love, it is much more than that, and that is what we must realize when we want to learn the mysteries of life.