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When little ones suffer

French l Spanish

What are my reactions to the suffering of my children or children around me?

I heard you just now say some things... For example you, Jacqueline, I think as long as you prayed for your school and you have not seen the results, God actually urges us not to see results so that we persevere to the end. It is through perseverance that God judges our works; and we cannot truly find faith until we go right up to the end, to the end, to the very end. That is to say we have never reached the end...

It's amazing to know how unlimited we are. It is also education that gave us our limits, through fear: the awareness of a little child – don't climb there, don't do that, don't say that, don't do that, you won't be able to, it isn't your problem, you're too small, you're too tall, you're too young... we have heard that. So we limit the ability of the child, you said so yourself, by the grades, in ways that absolutely do not favour a child. I bemoan the National Education system today. It is the same in all countries; do not think things are worse in France than elsewhere. Everything you experience reproduces itself and is reproduced in the whole world. We forgot that we have created structures years ago but that there is an evolution of man; today's children are no longer the children of 50 years ago. This is unacceptable. Our children are 25 years ahead of us when they are born, so you see where our National Education is at : we are more than 50 years behind, that is, we did not understand that evolution made it so that we do not all need the same education, the same ability to see or foresee. You said so yourselves.

When you can talk to children aged 8, 10 or 12 years, there's already a language. We can establish a dialogue. But when dealing with toddlers, dialogue is very difficult because we are obliged to enter into their schemes, to go down towards them to understand what they mean. It is a great lesson because indeed, one discovers their suffering, the things left unsaid. Already when very little, they know that they are not heard. They understand the mistakes of their parents. They understand the arguments of their parents, not with words but in another way. Understand that if our children have the most diverse diseases, what we used to call old people diseases, it's because our children manifest troubles physically. Every disease stems from such manifestations, as long as a child cannot speak and does not know how to receive the love he needs to be fed every day in order to be able to make the efforts expected of him. We always ask him to make efforts but what do we give him in exchange for these efforts? A child needs a pact of love, nothing else. And adults are unable to give it to him because we took children to be machines or robots, who were simply supposed to grow up, and when they would be grown up we would tell them what to do. That is not education, as you very well know yourselves.

When we see the suffering of children and adolescents... every day I get letters from teenagers and pre-teens. What they tell us is mind-blowing.

So yes, I need plans but I also need a working structure. How to reach these children, how to talk to them? Yes, I made a lot of cassettes about children because that is life. Children have forgotten nothing; they come from the world of their Father, they come from that realm and they are marked with the force, the light and the ability to live in a new world. But as soon as they arrive, they are locked in a world of death, of fear, of stress, of anxiety and then of guilt. From then on, we are surprised that our children get sick and that the expected results cannot be reached. What a mistake! But who is responsible, the children or the adults? See how long it took you, each and every one of you, to try to glimpse a different way of life, a different way to listen to our children.

I heard you just now when you said, "I scream, however I forbid myself to do it, but at some point, the nervous system cracks." And we are here because you speak for thousands and thousands of professors, teachers, etc. who ask the same question. And if there was not so much depression among teachers, we would not understand that there is a general unease. But diseases are there, they truly are there, which shows that we must understand that there is a concrete wall between children and their educators. There is a total misunderstanding and all because we do not open our hearts. You yourselves saw how long it took to open our hearts, to understand, to try to have a little compassion for an autistic child, not because he is autistic, but because he wants to shut himself off from a world that he does not want to see. He no longer wants to glimpse a world that is destroying him and determining his end.

It is up to you, up to us adults, to really put ourselves in the dimension of our children, to really listen to them. You said just now that we must unlearn; but we cannot unlearn unless we learn something else. There is no structure, no phenomenon and certainly no recipe to unlearn anything. What the brain retains is not always the best, yet there is still a cortex that passes information from the soul. Never forget that.

It is through this cortex that the soul, that is, the Spirit, expresses itself through you. As soon as prayer is emitted, when you go to work, if you are in a state of prayer, something phenomenal will happen which you will soon see in black and white, simply because prayer prepares your energy-body to be stronger than the physical body. So your whole etheric body, called electromagnetic energy, has a systematic obedience. Your aura regenerates and can cope with all attacks, with all verbal or other abuse which you encounter. Without this internal journey in the few moments before arriving in a stressful atmosphere, it is impossible for man or woman to cope: we are stuck in the negative system of others. So there are not a million solutions...


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