Motherhood and upbringing
French l Spanish
Do I feel that I was loved during my childhood? What are my shortcomings?
Society can create cruel mothers because in human societies, we do not learn how to love. It is the only thing we do not learn. And for children, only love matters.
Question: There are mothers who do not love their children. Can you tell us how this is possible?
Yvonne: You know love... Love is not just a word. Love is an act. Love is a force. Love is energy. About mothers who do not love their children, one has to ask the question: have they been they loved? Do they know what "to love" means? Aren't they suffering from some kind of blindness with respect to their child? Have they actually seen their child? Do they know who the child is, who the children are? If we do not help the mother develop feelings for her children, she will live as she was made to live. She will return exactly the image that she was made to discover. This is what I spoke of earlier: the idea that a child is a problem or a handicap; the idea that when you have children, you can no longer have laughs or fun. These are all impressions that have struck the ear of the young mother who then becomes totally indifferent to her offspring.
This is a social responsibility. It is society that has created women without love. If men loved better, then women could love more. I think it's very important to understand the link, this loving preparation between a man and a woman. If there isn't a state of total trust, if there is no osmosis between the two, how can the mother with all the physical challenges of motherhood, give love to that which has been a problem for her for 9 months? How could she love without an image of the father honouring her or telling her how amazing it is to have a child?
You see, there are actions and gestures that are of utmost importance and I believe that the father helps tremendously in the intrauterine life of the child. The mother can love better when she has understood how much the father loves the child she carries in his name.
I believe that our society has been destroyed by feminism, because women wanted to have children on their own; they wanted to choose a father based on a physical model - much like selecting a stallion. I think this is serious, very serious for human society because a woman, with the strongest of will possible, still cannot provide all the balance that a child needs. Of course, there are many cases where the woman is almost alone to raise her children, all the instances that we know such as divorce and separation and of course, death. But in general, if women do not love their children then they have never discovered what a child represents for them, what the child came to bring them.
You see, all these obstacles in our upbringing happen precisely because we have not been educated, because we have not been taught about the reality of things. Instead of taking a lot of courses in philosophy or analysis of all kinds, we would do better to teach young girls and young boys how to become who they will later be: young fathers and mothers. It is an important school and I think that respect for others comes already at the very beginning of life. It is at a very young age that a man learns to respect a woman, and a woman to respect a man. That is why we must never create differences based on race or sex. We must have a fair view of one another in order to teach our children to be responsible for their body, and thereby for their femininity or masculinity. Depending on how we educate them, so will they also be able to love their children even more.
I do not know any cruel mothers. Society can create cruel mothers because in human societies, we do not learn how to love. It is the only thing we do not learn. And for children, only love matters. So when we get rid of this burden – after having given birth to this burden, that is, the weight we carried for 9 months – then others will take care of his education.
Love does not pass through the umbilical cord because we did not explain to her what a child is. I think it is simply that. Therefore we must devote ourselves to teach others to love, to build, whether through our leaders or all the corporations. May women and men be aware of their responsibilities and may we no longer recreate a civilization based on standards unfit for culture, that is, for "human culture". And demonstrate that love can create a basic structure in any individual who will later have responsibilities.
Someone who is loved will always be confident of living and having a part of the pie. Others will always be marginalized. This is what we see in today's society. One needn't go far to be aware of the suffering of our youth. If they were really loved, do you think there would be so much rebellion? It is up to us to look at them differently and to understand the confusion that is happening today. Who is responsible, the child or those who have brought them into the world?
Question: When it comes to small children, they are victims none the less. What we can do? Is there anything we can do in these cases?
Yvonne: You know, it will take time for society to become human again in the divine sense. Restructuring a world is not easy. If all we had were governments and laws to do so, we would be distraught and poor, really very poor. But there is for us something of utmost importance above all: the finger of God, this extraordinary ability to shake things up and put what needs to be put back in its place.
I think it is in the interest of us all to understand the meaning of a civilization and to also understand what we have to do as men and women. We have not learned wisdom for nothing in this last while, that maturity which gives us the wisdom and the wisdom that allows us to speak from heart to heart. It is no longer even from soul to soul. Heart to heart is much more important; it means the Spirit has entered and will do its work. Therefore we must understand that it takes a certain amount of time for God to put things in place, so that a new society can be established in this world. And I can assure you that the laws will follow, whether in medicine or any kind of change in the scientific world or in research companies of all kinds. Everything will be set in motion, and our children, those of today and those of tomorrow, will be different. We will no longer see battles such as wanting the best place. The material realm will no longer have a hold on the spirit of man because he will have found another ideal, that is, living for the joy of living.