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Am I always clear in my mind?
We lie, we lie to ourselves, and I would really like to awaken your consciousness as to what it means to lie to oneself. I have spoken about it several times already: it is a lie against the Spirit; it is truly a sin against the Spirit.
When you understand that God loves you very much, each and every one of you, you will no longer have to fight to know where your privileges are. You do not yet have that absolute certain feeling that God loves you because if you had, there would no longer be any problem.
When there are problems between people, it is that you really cannot love the other because you do not feel completely loved yourself. And it is true that if God didn't love us, we would be unable to love because He gives us Love. He is life, He is love; and love is creative, so it is because He loves us that, firstly, He created us, and then it is because He loves us that we can love; it is because He loves us that we have the strength to tolerate, to be patient. Love allows us to abolish all that restrains us. Love allows us to eliminate everything that was not on the divine axis.
When you are alone with yourself, within yourself, you understand that God is within you. We have but a few moments each day of enlightenment, a few seconds of this life. We must realize that our actions are not as nice as we may think because they are tainted with nebulous thoughts - and I say nebulous in order not to say negative - because we judge constantly. We say we do not judge but that is wrong, we do judge.
And then we lie, we lie to ourselves, and I would really like to awaken your consciousness as to what is meant by 'lying to oneself '. I have often spoken about it already: it is a lie against the Spirit; it is truly a sin against the Spirit. And I think we really have to work on this. We need to know how to be frank and clear in our thinking. Not to keep a close watch on what we are saying, because it is by then often too late. It has come out and we caused hurt.
You who have done One-on-One Listenings, you understand that when receiving a Listening from the other - that is to say that the other person speaks and you listen -it is rare that you can judge. Why is this? It is tempting, I know, you are all tempted and you do it at first: thoughts jostle around inside because you listen and your attitude is already stiffened before the other because he is talking nonsense. You know very well that this is not what we should do or say. And as you gradually advance, as you listen and pray, you become aware how much his soul is suffering and that this suffering makes him say and do all that. At this point, compassion takes hold of you – this is the 2nd stage - and this compassion will remove all the grievances you may have against him. The Listening becomes divine because any suspicion, any doubt, any bittersweet words move aside, and leave place for nothing but listening, loving the other, trying to love the other, trying to build the other. The other person is unable to understand what you understand. When you understand what a Listening is, you understand how far we are from it in our daily lives. Just talking behind closed doors with someone can lead you to realize that you are already demolishing the person harmonized just moments ago, you know it is so...