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How are we manipulated? Out of fear of existing and of not being recognised; how often have we become manipulators? We must struggle to keep our personality. The Enemy cannot touch the soul of man, but he can manipulate the mind. He makes us say things that are not true. God has sent us the three keys in order to open our consciousness.
There is much difference between the mind and intelligence. You will see this if you do some expanded studies; you will understand that the mind is something that reasons a lot, but intelligence is something else. But in order for intelligence to be at the service of man, we have to know that our weaknesses are due to very ancient habits where we allow ourselves to be manipulated and become manipulators.
So how are we manipulated? It`s very simple: through fear of not knowing, fear of powerlessness, fear of simply existing, fear of not being recognised, fear of not living up to expectations. And the Enemy knows this. He waits for the moment and then infiltrates. From that point on, the Enemy cannot touch the soul of man, but he touches the mind.
He manipulates the mind, he makes you say things that are untrue, hence the lies to oneself and therefore lies to others. This is why there is suffering, because from the moment that we are in a lie, we are evidently, obviously, no longer in the truth. Truth is with God, the presence of God, so when our head starts to work, we should simply keep it quiet, and that is why God has offered us the first key. It is not necessary to recite a rosary in order to connect with God, but simply to remember a few words : Lord, You are here and I love You; Lord, I entrust to You what I am going through; Lord, I entrust to you those whom I love but whom I cannot tell, or tell it badly.
How often do we become manipulators because we are ourselves manipulated! That is why we must be vigilant. This state of wakefulness is of utmost importance because we each face very different situations. We face persons who cheat, who lie, who are selfish or egocentric, and we must struggle to keep our personality, we must struggle to keep our dignity despite all opposition. That is why recently – yes I say recently as 30, 40 or 50 years is nothing compared to eternity – God has sent us the keys which he had entrusted to Peter. Because these keys are the openings, first of all to our conscious, subconscious and superconscious minds. And when we have these keys... Earlier, N. told us that when she did vibrations after the two first keys, she felt life return within her... this is obvious, the echoes of the vibration are truly the echoes of creation.
When we are created, we are created in music, by sounds. That is why Christ says that He speaks, that His words are transmitted. He speaks in parables. So, what does it mean for speech to become the Word, or the Word to become speech? It is simply that the Word is Christ, who is consecrated to God; He has lost nothing that His father had given Him and His words are truths. The Word, that is, the words that He speaks resonate not in your head, but in your heart, that is, in the solar plexus from where God`s light emanates. Therefore, Christ came to Earth to bring us this Truth, so that we could maintain dignity despite all odds, in the face of all of life’s events. If we know how to maintain dignity, then we are on the road to happiness.
Why has mankind fallen into such suffering, into crimes of passion, into poisonings of the mind destroying others and ourselves? What has become of humanity which is and was made up of the sons and daughters of God? What have we done to descend so low? So now we can climb the ladder which Jacob dreamed about. We can understand that all the painful steps in our lives are but offerings from God to help us overcome difficulties, so that we attain that inner serenity, that inner peace which we need to live.
That is why Christ tells us that when He visited the sick or the Pharisees, when He entered a house He said «Shalom». Yes. Then He said « My peace I give you, my peace I leave with you. » Yes. Not only is this peace not the kind of peace signed by men on paper, but Christ wants to tell us that He is giving us the possibility of reinstating all of our faculties, thus attaining what is called Nirvana in India.
You must therefore destroy your former self, so that you can be reborn and admit the new self that you have become. Since you entered into groups, no matter at what moment, you started your rebirth. Today you are completing this rebirth and tomorrow it will be a genuine rebirth.
Yes, we must pass over all of these stages. It is like a river or a mountain stream: if there is no bridge, how does one cross the stream? Isn`t it by checking for the highest rocks, and then stepping, and jumping from rock to rock till the other shore? So, by placing your foot, you have put security beneath your foot. The rock does not move, it is solid, it becomes the base of your walk. It is therefore sometimes necessary to jostle one another in order to better understand the meaning of our lives. So what are those fears that destroy us? Those fears are many.