You must think about energy. There are two poles: positive and negative. We know this in relation to electricity, since we need a neutral one for light to exist. But in our lives, we are not matter, you must understand this, we are energy. So, from the moment that we understand that we are energy: Christ had foreseen this and alerted us a long time ago: " You are the light of the world, I am the light of the world", he said, "you are the light of the world." And people did not understand what it meant. They always referred to the sun, the light. Yet light is energy; Christ often said so in presenting his Father. But in those times, we couldnât decipher what energy was.
So Christ is speaking to us in the 20th century, or this 21st century which we have recently entered. If we are energy, we think. Christ tells us: "Think and you create". We were alerted 2000 years ago that we were creating, but what are we creating? So we can create positivity; this is our role, we come to earth for this. But unfortunately, unfortunately we are 80% negative. So, what is negativity? Itâs criticisms, judgements, fears, anxieties, and especially negations: I wonât get there, I wonât be able to, I wonât know how to, ... All those little things that pass through your head, and our continual judgements and our criticisms of one another, even of our children. At that moment, you do not know just what you are creating in space, in your space, in your environment. So, all the people around you receive your negativity. So, what does that mean? Well, simply, there are waves that come to contaminate your cells. And from that point on, there is what we call a biological transformation into toxins. From this, there is suffering and all the problems that we bring about, that we create.
So we must realize that we can, that we have the possibility of completely transforming our thoughts. But it is up to us. Every instant that we notice, that we see what is inside of us, what we have just thought or emitted, then we must transform our thoughts. Place them in the hands of God, saying: "Lord, I ask you... I cannot say that... I can no longer say that... how could I have even thought that!" It will take weeks of work, but the result is fantastic, because it is freedom.
So we start to realize what positivity is. Well, in fact, positivity is arriving into radiance. You are light, you should therefore spread the light which is in you. But how? How if you come with the thought of learning everything? This is already wrong. Believing to learn everything is already being negative.
So everything that happens in our head, everything that we have accumulated in our studies, in the way we were raised, etc., will end in a system considered intellectual, but which works solely with the ego. And what is the ego? Well, it is what motivates our pride. And it is what our pride maintains tirelessly. So this shows how we are completely transformed in negativity without being aware of it. So, this is where we must really start to work. Work on this so that you are opening when you open doors, when you are received, so that there is no more negativity in you. So that you no longer see others as you would have judged them a few weeks or months ago. So that you start to see others as children of God, the same as you.
So, a total respect for one another. With acceptance of differences, of their differences in relation to our opinions, in relation to our religions, in relation to our ethics. So, that is a lot of things. But it is truly this road which brings us to perfection. We can not, we can no longer continue living as before, for who invites us to life?