He sent us... He sent you to prepare an other world. There lies the problem. The new world cannot have the same foundation as the world that we are leaving behind. So we must teach a new kind of education to all children. But all parents must also have a new kind of education. When I received the House of Education the other day, I asked them about their plans and I asked them to prepare everything that must be done for new schools. I also told them to especially prepare a school for parents. This means that we are ignorant. For example, we had to believe that we knew how to care for our children. But we soon realize that we do not know how to care for them. We trip over many of our failings. So we have evidently forgotten something. And if we are to recreate a world, we will not recreate a chemical medicine. We are dying from chemical medicine. If there are so many cancers, if there are so many illnesses of all kinds, what have we gained, apart from pollution? But don’t forget that the biggest of human pollutions is not gas, it is not everything that is thrown into the atmosphere, it is the type of your thoughts. It is what you are always creating in your attitudes, your behaviors, and your actions. Those are formidable. And they are the greatest pollution of mankind.
And we must be aware of this. It is all very well to say that you will change, that you will make an effort. Yes, I know you make efforts, but you need to follow through. You need to push yourselves totally. How? How indeed, since you use all of your good will? It is said, in fact even at Sunday mass, that when we address God and He looks at men, He sees the men of good will that we are. But this isn`t enough; this is the sinner. Men of good will, for example, we are 6 billion men of good will. But that is not what changes the world of tomorrow. That good will is but the disarray which we are trying to leave.
So once you go to the very end of your good will, you can make, you can act, and curiously, in order to act and to make, you must let go; it is a great ambiguity.