French l Spanish
Let us benefit from this theme to review with our group the quality of our prayer.
When you say your prayers are lukewarm, I would so like to tell you: why do you doubt prayer? Why do you not give more time for prayer? You want to sleep a bit longer but God will take this time back, because when the body has rested sufficiently, God wants to awaken you: man is made to live on his feet! We must live standing up and prayer awakens man to divine consciousness.
So don't waste any more of your time, give it for others. When you come harmonise here in the Centre, you benefit three, four or five people, but these four or five people become thousands that are similarly helped in the invisible, perhaps half a world away... It is the will of God.
So when we pray, the work is done in a precise manner. I know that you have prayed a lot, I know it very well... But how many prayers have you also missed? How many excuses have you given to avoid going to your groups? How many excuses have you given to avoid going to your triads? Do you consider yourself superior or too progressive to do so? You see, all this is about awareness.
Let us keep in mind that if God has given us three keys, it is so we could use them. When the time comes, He will give us other keys, but for now, these are the ones that permit us to open this Kingdom. So use them; do not let them rust while dangling behind your door.
And since we are talking about prayer, I would like to tell you that in France and in all of Europe, I had asked to speed up the prayer. But the acceleration has become machine-gun speed, and I don't think God is satisfied by machine-guns! No. Neither is He satisfied with latent somnolence between each sentence. He wants us to be children, but children in a vibration of love: let the prayer be gentle on the ears. It is sort of what we always did before, but the problem started when I no longer partook in pilgrimages. At that time, it was thought to be a good idea to take one's time to say a rosary and when I saw the disaster, I appealed to those responsible and told them: 'Reactivate the prayer!' And then, it was like the tides in your sea here, an explosive speed. And they asked me:'Do we need two or three breaths? In the Hail Mary, do we need two or three? And the Our Father, three or two?' So when we ask ourselves this type of question... And I laughed hard in the pilgrimage in Mexico. People from Colombia had come, of course, and on the day of the seminar, they had put one person from each country at my table. Inevitably, they asked at the table: 'So, about the speed of the prayer, how do we do it?' I said: 'You tell me. Pray!' He started... I understood nothing.
It is not about machines which produce prayers. We are not prayer engines. We are human beings, aware of what we are doing. I believe that when you pray, you know that you are talking to God. So if you say 'Our Father who art in Heaven...'(very fast), this is impossible! We must say it with consciousness and love: we are speaking to the Father. Should we meditate upon each word? No! The Father doesn't need that. Rather we talk to Him so that this prayer becomes a gentle and pleasant music, that is, a very distinctive vibration where one feels well. That is what I wanted to tell you about prayer.
I may have another chance to talk about this, but since you are a bit of a mixed group, in an eclectic sense, I am using this opportunity to tell you this, in order to return to a more human rhythm.