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How important is a smile to me? And to others?
Put the most beautiful smile on your lips, put that infinite softness in your eyes, and tenderness in your gestures. Do not be afraid of being gentle!
When you serve, you have to understand something: service is noble; it must be done with joy and love. It should not be done with bitterness in the heart nor should we simply want to rush through it, in order to be quickly free of the task - no! What is being asked of us is to be ready at any moment to reach out and to have a consoling word. Do you know what a welcome and what a harmonisation mean to God ? Are you aware of it? Harmonising the body of another, is it not Christ himself?
To love, to harmonise, is to give of yourself and I know how patiently you do so, but you must give your honor. The gift of a gesture is not done just like that, off the cuff. We should be aware of what we do.
There are 5,000 of you today, and tomorrow you will be hundreds of thousands. You must show what you are capable of doing. We need the world to know that when you harmonise, it is not just some gestures, but something quite different: you become instruments of God. It is this sharing that is so important.
During a harmonisation... if you only knew how you are watched. People suffer so much! Remember who you were just one year ago, two years ago or perhaps six months ago for some. Let us not forget for a moment that all who come here have the same desire that you have, the same thirst for love, the same hunger for knowledge... They want to find out what you already know. They might not say it with words, they might say it with aggressiveness, but this is because they suffer. They expect from you what they never hoped for in their lives. Most of them no longer believe that love exists. Love is a dream! Love does not exist.
They think: "How could anyone love me? I am nothing.
Why would God look at me when my mother rejected me?
Because I was beaten by my father...
Because I was simply not wanted...
Because my husband drinks...
Does love even exist?"
When you had encountered an outstretched hand, you thought to yourself, "This is my childhood dream. This is a dream. It will not last. Tomorrow when I wake up, I will understand that it was only a dream." And in succeeding days this force of love grew in you, until you shared it with others. What was utopia yesterday has become reality and, in turn, it is you who reaches out, it is you who harmonises, it is you who soothes and consoles. It is you who tenderly caresses someone who is sobbing in your arms.
Therefore, you must still make an effort. Your presence needs to be even greater because there will be so many requests... When you promise to go to the Center for a few hours, I beg you, do not call at the last minute to say, "I can't go." We are counting on you, as God has relied on his Son, and we have no right to let them down.
Put a smile on your face, no matter what difficulties you have at the moment. The people who come to see you and who enter with you are already suffering. They are already surrounded by tense faces, so don't give them that spectacle which they already know so well. Put the most beautiful smile on your lips, put that infinite softness in your eyes, and tenderness in your gestures. Do not be afraid of being gentle. Be aware that you must love them because you really cannot love unless you have been loved. And as you have been taught that you were loved so, in turn, you love them. Give them everything you need to give them. Offer them all that you would have liked to receive.
How many times have people wanted to cry but don't dare because they are men and were forbidden to cry; that wasn't done in their circles... In our upbringing as women, we are told to have dignity, so not to cry. But know this: tears are not always the expression of suffering or pain; on the contrary, they are often the expression of joy. The soul is pouring out its unexpressed joy... Always be ready to receive the sobs of others. Do not remain unfeeling to the pain of others. Even if you are somewhat self-conscious about these gestures, learn to use them: learn to comfort, learn to liberate yourself because as you are liberating yourself, you liberate others. You liberate all others. There is so much suffering in the world!