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What should we abandon, or acquire, in order to become totally free?
We must break our ties and go further. We must become free, free to act, free to think, free to heal, free to give of ourselves. This freedom is the indispensable condition for true liberation of the soul.
This is Good Friday, and we should reflect on our actions at least once per year. Of course, we think about them every day, we are aware of our imperfections, we are also aware of our guilt, amassed over generations. Today we understand the price of this guilt, the slow death which removes all joy of living, which removes the ability of looking at others, the ability of hearing others, because we are closed on ourselves.
We feed this egoism by our fears, a fear of not having, a fear of no longer having what we think we have, a fear of hunger, a fear of thirst, or simply a fear of lacking work… And so we elbow our way through a difficult and harsh society in order to keep our place. We will thus oust others, we will exclude others. This happens every day in the world. But we, who know what egoism means, let us try to fight and understand, but no longer with our heads as we have always done. Christ invites us to bring all of our thoughts and actions back down into our heart, so that they may be conditioned by the heart alone, such that when the bells ring out on Sunday morning, they will resonate the joy of your life, they will resonate the newly found generosity. Generosity does not mean giving the tithe from the bottom of your pocket, but rather giving the best of oneself. Do more harmonisations, say more prayers; give lavishly. He who remunerates is near, and He knows who we are and what we do.
May this understanding be a reality for you; put it into practice. When this Sunday arrives, no longer look at your problems. Your problems increase before your very eyes because they grow in your head, since you make mountains out of your problems.
Are you aware how lucky you are to be able to speak to brothers and sisters? Are you aware of how lucky you are to know that you are loved? You know you are loved. So many men and women don`t know that those who sent them to this world did so out of love for them. How could the father of a family, as you are, send his children to a slaughter, a carnage, without there being a permanent compassion, that gaze of a father upon his child who is becoming lost?
Have you considered what God is thinking today? Do you think He has no feelings? Do you imagine a severe God, a judge? No, He is not that. The world has drifted away from His image; He was made into a monster even though He is Love. When we know that we are loved in that way, how could we fear our future? Haven`t you passed your worst years? Remember all that lies behind them, all that you have lived through: torment, anxiety, stress, and the inability to see where you where headed. Each and every one of you was unaware of your path. And yet today, after so many years and months have gone by, and indeed so many unsatisfying days, you have travelled so much of the path. How many pilgrimages have you done to find that inner path again, to try to understand and evaluate your chances…
Chances… isn`t it by the grace of God that just when we need it, we receive a gesture, or a gift, or sometimes a visit or an encounter? Do you think that God is unaware of your desires? He is in you, so how could He not know what you are and what you desire to be? But your desires are not always apparent to you; they so often change from one point to another. You would like this, then that, and the next day, you realise that you desire something else. Because you are unsatisfied, because you simply do not know who you are, you do not know where you are going, and you are unaware of the desires of your soul, deep within yourselves.
That is why prayer is of utmost importance to mankind, because it puts you back in communication with God the Father, and thus with God inside yourselves, so that you would let Him lead you. Give Him enough space so that all your stress, your anxieties, and your doubts disappear. They will not disappear through your willpower; that will not happen. Stress, just as anxiety, is a subterfuge to turn mankind from its true direction. Sweep away all of your doubts, by the love you give to others. Stop thinking about yourselves; go out of your selves. Reach out to others, all those you don`t know, all those who seem indifferent to you, all those whom you always tend to despise or judge. Go towards them and you then will understand how much richness you get from these encounters.
May this Easter be gentle. And may you continue to make, I was going to say efforts, yes we must persevere to reach perfection, because no man today can be satisfied with living in this mediocrity into which we have fallen. We must break our ties and go further. We must become free, free to act, free to think, free to heal, free to give of ourselves. This freedom is the indispensable condition for true liberation of the soul. God cannot be locked up, He must take action with all that He desires for your good, each one of you. He knows what is right for you. He also knows the desires which are wrong in us and which are only illusions, for us to get lost more easily.
And also, let us look within ourselves to see what we still lack, which could permit us to change completely. So what are we missing? We want to change, I know; the proof is that you are here. We want to change; we no longer want to be slaves; we want to be better. Who is stopping you from doing so, if not yourself? You have to surpass yourself and not flee from your responsibilities. If we commit ourselves to a job, a trade or to some joint effort, we must do what we need to do with courage. What humanity lacks today is the desire to do well. We no longer put our heart in the work; we go to work for a salary. Let`s start with doing the work with joy and seeing the salary as a perk. Then we will have another way of thinking, another way of acting and our time will be filled with gifts and graces. Let us no longer be afraid to give our time.
You have discernment, how many times have I talked about it? To discern is to provide an enlightenment, it is to walk on the path. You have to discern who is who: a stone, a wall or just the fog... It is up to us to see, to know how to look, to know how to understand, to know who the enemy is, and to face it. Run away and your problems will run after you. Because God offers us trials; He sometimes uses the Enemy, yes, so that these trials may be beneficial to us. Because each trial makes us grow; each trial enriches a person. And it is through this enrichment that we will reach wisdom.
Wisdom is the perception of an entire life, inner and outer, with the complexity of the whole environment and how the environment affects the individual and, at that point, there is no longer any possibility of judgement. We can no longer judge when we understand that each of us has come to this Earth to become perfect. Each of us, in our own way, will have to do this work. But in that state of perfection, we must at all times help others to get up and give them their chance, just as God gives us ours.
When we do a job in an office, in a shop, as a representative or any work whatsoever, you have to know this: that the work we do is a gift. Yes, because idleness is the mother of all vices, and we know something about this in our modern societies when we see our children who come to delinquency because they don't know what they are going to do.
The end of a society always reveals its flaws and weaknesses, and we see them every day around the world. Did you know that in the United States, there is a murder every minute? It gives us food for thought. If we think about it, we must understand that we participate in this genocide by our seclusion and our inability to understand others. So, as we are in a so-called free country, let us act as free men, let us strengthen our faith, let us unite more. Do not isolate yourselves by no longer going to your groups, for all sorts of reasons. The Enemy will always find every reason to prevent you from acting for the good cause. You know, it is written that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. How many good intentions do we have that destroy others? This is why we must act differently today. And may this new Easter truly be your rebirth; may you be enlivened from within. Dare to say what you are and what you do. Dare to live, do not remain lukewarm, live your faith, express it in all your actions and thoughts. Dare to be what God wants you to be, servants worthy of serving Him.