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How did my trials help me grow in faith?
The astral body is purely a cosmic energy. This energy has a memory: the memory of time. It has the memory of the past, the present and the future. Because past, present and future are but a spark in eternity.
The astral body is man's most important one, since it is the soul; we call it soul and also subconscious, super-consciousness, or else Spirit. We show it on the outside because this astral body has the ability to move about as it wishes. It can leave your body and return to it at leisure. You have certainly read many books, some of you have done research, and you have read Aurobindo or so many others, for instance all the Orientals who talk about Buddhism, they talk about astral bodies and astral travels. All of the wisest men of the Orient knew about this. They could get around at will, whenever they wanted. It is what Christ Himself and the prophets did; your prophet too. They knew how to move about whenever they wanted, wherever they wanted. It is important to understand that this astral body has a very exceptional ability, since nothing can direct it. No-one holds power over it. Not even you. That means that your will and your intellectual capabilities can do nothing to it. You can well repeat in your head: I want to go out, I want to go out, I want to go out... no! The soul does not understand this language. You will also understand why prayer has an action whereas other words have no action. It is a question of energy.
When we talk about the energies of a body, we must think a bit about electricity. Electricity was found in the 19th century. It is produced by flows of energy that we knew how to capture. By combining these flows together, we created light. It took years of research to get to the light bulb. The astral body is quite a particular energy because it does not come from the earth. It is God. It is the energy that God creates. And when you come into the world, your soul is already there because you, with God and the angels, chose your arrival, your parents, your family, your country. This did not happen by chance. That is why you should never be annoyed with your parents if they were poor, or awkward, or clumsy or if they were rich... They had nothing to do with it; you chose them. And in choosing them, you also chose your personal trials. 'Épreuve', the French word for trial, means to love, in Hebrew. That means that God wants to show us how much He loves us, and in the conditioning of this love, He gives us free will. And we will choose difficulties to make us grow, to elevate us. If we had found no difficulties, we would still be at the animal level. We must therefore find the way to access a superior dimension. And our trials are all of that. For some it is the difficulty of loving, for others it is being patient, for others the difficulty is intolerance or pride... We must pass all of our trials and difficulties through a sieve, in order to grow and to be worthy of truly being a child of God.
The astral body is purely a cosmic energy. This energy has a memory: the memory of time. It has the memory of the past, the present and the future. Because the past, present and future are but a spark in eternity. We must therefore understand that we have something extraordinary within ourselves and we did not know it: this soul will have a profound impact on all of our decisions.
You have these three bodies and you will act with these 3 bodies. You are adults – except for the youngest, but she is almost adult, and she has already had sufferings, joys and experiences in her life. You have all suffered in different levels. And even if you don't mention it, the suffering is inside man. Even if you hide it, I know it, I have known you for such a long time... That secret garden, which you thought to keep secret, it is not secret to God. Because He is in you, He sees you, He hears you. You cannot hide from God; He is forever inside of you. He sees what you do, all of your thoughts, your actions. When you smile at someone but then afterwards you are already criticising him... When you constantly judge and let others believe that you are in full agreement, He sees you, so why hide? We should be able to appear naked before God, to divest ourselves of all that; it is what Christ asked, and your prophet too. He asked you to become perfect, He told you to perform cleansing rituals so that you could be pure before him, before God. Every time you perform these ablutions, it is to recover a virtuous position before God. You do not learn the Surahs for nothing. Neither is it for nothing that you have been taught to avoid alcohol, to be gentle, to be good, generous, to receive your friends, to open your house to strangers. It is not for nothing that he taught you all this! And what do you do about it?
For us, Jesus is the same. He told us to act, He showed us, yet we are more stubborn than all of our forest animals because we hear nothing. He told us to love one another, and we do not know how to love. He told us to share, and we are selfish. He told us to extend a hand of friendship, and we are self-centered. So where is the love in all this? So you see, the points of reference are the same; your education and ours are the same. In the Qur'an, you will never find counsel to fight, to rebel. It's not true! I know your Qur'an. But do you put what he tells you into practice? No. For us, it is the same thing with the Gospels. Everything is written. All you have to do is read and put into practice. But we don't put into practice because it bothers us; it would change so much with regard to our habits yet we are not interested in changing our lives. Others should change their lives instead of us, yet this is what He invites us to do.