The couple

The harmony of man and woman

As a woman, do I recognize Christ’s strength in a man? 
As a man, do I recognize Mary’s softness and tenderness in a woman?

Any use of power or manipulation even when driven by feelings, must be swept from your hearts and thoughts. Mary said Her Yes to God through softness and tenderness. She lived by the softness and tenderness that she spread to all those she would meet.

Happiness can exist only if you let yourself be loved. Hence, you too can love.  Be attentive to the gestures and tenderness of others, because I can tell you that no woman in this world can find again her femininity unless she agrees to be soft and tender.  Any use of power or manipulation even when driven in the name of a feeling, must be swept from your hearts and thoughts. Mary said Her Yes to God through softness and tenderness. She lived by the softness and tenderness that she spread to all those she would meet.  You, women, should be her living example.

As for you, men, when Christ came on earth, the laws were written by men and the men followed the laws they created: a total domination over the feminine. They did not know that by following their laws they would crush the Elohim. And crushing the Elohim, in the biblical law, means crushing the Spirit. As Elohim is the feminine GOD : the Spirit.

By following these human laws, men distanced themselves from this greatness entrusted to them by God : the protection on all levels and behaviours of the family.  Man must be the leader, which means the keeper of the solidity of the social nucleus, of the familial nucleus.  No human society in this world can take up root without this specific notion of the family.  Society is the first nucleus of the strength, and it is the family that creates it, which generates it, which manages it.  A state can only become solid when each human cell functions in light’s purity.  Upon his coming on earth, Christ identified himself to you, you men, and He called himself the Son of Man; this was meant to tell you, 2000 years later, that He loved men and took them at His service until the day He called them « my friends ». Your progeny came from this friendship and from this friendship tomorrow’s world will come to life.  So you, men, take up the torch of responsibility in your family as well as in your IVI’s family and become an example for the others to follow you. From your example the boundless walk of love will take birth on earth. GOD does not re-create an earth to abolish it once again, but on the contrary, He creates this earth to allow this brotherhood of men and women to live in osmosis for the construction of a new world.

Be aware, you, the men, not to play the role of women and you, women, not to fall and take up the role of men. Do not intervene in men’s desires and passions. Allow them to manage what they have to manage. If you intervene with love and tenderness, you will strengthen them and allow them to grow but if you intervene through manipulation, then it will be your fall as well as theirs. Be aware that all of us were created to live together.


🎧 The couple


🎧 Fidelity