

To not cheat oneself

To what extent do we cheat others and therefore ourselves?

We must work at reaching the Light that means the Truth, clarity in your soul and in your heart. It is to be honest with yourself, and if you are honest with yourself, you will be honest with others. We can no longer cheat God.

All the peoples are gathered because all the peoples belong to God. We belong to Him; we are part of His kingdom. We very well know that time is short and that we must no longer look back but move forward.     

One must love, love even more. God does not ask for alms, but rather a part of yourselves; He needs your love, not your money! So may those who have money think about those who do not.  May they show solidarity with the suffering of the world.  May they help reconstruct the world because it is written in the Bible: “There will be a new earth, a new heaven, a new sun…”  If all that is new, it must be clean; yet the pollution of the earth is immense.  So show solidarity with one another, so that you can share the work of others. This Centre is a temple of God because He told us Himself: “If you receive one of the least of my brothers and sisters, you will receive me.”  All those who come here are sent by God.  They do not come of their own will; they come because they are called. It is not we who go to God, it is God who comes to us.  He calls us because He created us.  He knows us by our first name, it is your first name that counts for God. He knows each one of you because before coming to this earth, the angels spoke with you so that you would hold secret in your soul that world of love which you were leaving to come to a world of suffering and hatred. We would not be able to live here without that memory of how gentle life is with God.                   

We must work at reaching the Light that means the Truth, clarity in your soul and in your heart. It is to be honest with yourself, and if you are honest with yourself, you will be honest with others. We can no longer cheat God.

It is not enough to go to mass, to take the Eucharist, to go to the temple or the synagogue, to then come out and start judging our brothers and sisters again, to again start our hypocrisy in front of the world. If we partake of the Eucharist, let us go with a pure heart, because all of our actions and our thoughts are known to God.      

This path that you have followed, that we have followed together, is long, yes, but how gentle it is also! Just take a look at yourselves, your faces have changed because your eyes no longer show fear.  The anxiety that we saw in you, when you could not maintain eye contact with others, this was totally your inner suffering.  When there is this fear and this suffering, we cannot see the Light. You know how important it is to love, but love is not a word, it is action: shared smiles, your hands available for harmonising, your constant prayer for all of the world’s suffering, your steps in a pilgrimage pounding the earth which Christ loved. With your eyes, you can look at others as Jesus looked at his own. With your ears, you must know how to listen to the suffering of others, how to hear their appeal and not remain deaf to cries of distress. That is why we are in IVI.


🎧 Being aware of reality


🎧 Honesty - integrity