Obstacles to happiness

The fear of lacking

What are our fears with respect to money?

I ask you to no longer fear for your future, regardless of what motivates your created fear, the illusion which surrounds you: fear of feelings, of being forgotten, of being ignored, fear of growing old, fear of being badly loved, fear of not existing, fear of not being recognised… all of that is truly the work of the Devil in all its splendour. If we live our faith, we will lack nothing. 

And so, where is the justice? It is to be able to help, with our prayers first-of-all, with our state of mind. Be just towards yourselves, be just towards others, and we will help justice accomplish its task. But in order to be just with ourselves, we must be able to see our inner behaviour with respect to society. And let us not forget that our primary society is our family. So are we just and clear within ourselves, in order to see what is happening and what we create around us?  If we cannot see clearly within ourselves, if we cannot be just with ourselves and with others, then there is no compassion, and we copy the template of the world, which is in the process of dying. Is that what you want ? Have you travelled this entire IVI path to finally give up in face of material difficulties which are offered for the elevation of our consciousness? I think that is what must be looked at. 

This work does not belong to me. (Silence) On no account does any member of my family benefit from this work. And I would like everyone to be aware of this.  

If I had been a guru, I would have placed my children in the foreground;  we would have collected a lot of money and we would have moved to the Caribbean or elsewhere to eat the fruits of your labour. The difference is elsewhere; we only obey to enable the Word of God to be heard on this earth, and to act conscientiously and in total freedom. But let us stop asking ourselves fallaceous questions which prevent us from living. Doubting everything, especially doubting ourselves, is what generates the material difficulties that we have. That is why I appeal to your consciousness, that is, to the consciousness of the heart, because I know that you have long understood all of this in your head! But what is the head? It is the receptacle for what we learn.  However, the heart is the foundation of Creation and we must lower our thoughts into our hearts where they expand profusely and limitlessly to everyone else.                

This is what I would like to tell you this morning so that you can repeat it when you get home:  I ask you to no longer fear your future, regardless of what motivates your imagined fear, the illusion which surrounds you : fear of feelings, of being forgotten, of being ignored, fear of growing old, fear of being badly loved, fear of not existing, fear of not being recognized… all that is truly the work of the Devil in all its splendour.  If we live our faith, we will lack nothing.  

For years you’ve been working for God, but in your doubts, who do you think He is?  He gives you life;  He has created you so what are you afraid of? To lack? But it is written in the Bible that the smallest blade of grass gets its drop of dew in the morning, all the wildflowers have their perfume, all the birds in the sky have the food that God gives them, I don’t think they come steal from your plates! So why would you, as direct children of God, lack anything?


🎧 Our Fears and Judgment


🎧 We are our own prisoner